Chapter 17 <3

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*The next morning you wake up and have no clue where Mason is, so you decide to head downstairs. The you get a strong smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen.*

Mason- Merry Christmas, darling!

Yn- Merry Christmas, Mase!
*You place a kiss on his lips.*

Mason- I've made us some pancakes, then we can open the presents.

Yn- Sounds like a plan!

Mason- Someone sounds excited.
*He laughs.*

Yn- Be quiet, isn't my fault i love Christmas.

*You and Mason talk for a bit while eating your pancakes then at 9:30 you decide to open your presents.*

Mason- Open my first, please!

Yn- Okay!
*You laugh.*

*You open your first present off of Mason and it's a vivienne westwood necklace you've been talking about for ages.*

Yn- Mason! You didn't have too, thank you so much!
*You give him a hug.*

Mason- No worries, darling. I knew you'd love it!

Yn- Well open one of yours now.

*Mason opens his presents and it's a pair of black and white high top jordans.*

Mason- These are sick! I can add them to my collection.
*He laughs.*
Mason- Thank you!

Yn- I knew you'd like them!
*You smile.*

*You and Mason carry on opening presents from one another.*

*Your presents*
•Pandora bracelet
•A pair of earrings
•Gymshark set
•Black jumper
•Black high top converse
•A matching bracelet for the two of you which has the date you got together engraved in.
•A pair of ripped blacks jeans
•Some makeup (which Sasha helped him choose)

*Masons presents*
•A gold chain
•Nike tech tracksuit
•A pair of black and red jordan's
•Hoodrich set
•Hugo Boss aftershave
•Nike hat/cap (whatever you wanna call it)
•Nike jumper
•Nike joggers
•A mint green nike jumper (which you bought matching for the two of you)

Yn- Thank you for everthing, Mase!

Mason- No worries, and thank you! But i have one more thing for you. I just need to go grab it out of the spare bedroom.

Yn- Okay, don't be too long.
*You laugh and Mason quickly gets the gift and comes back down to you.*

*Mason goes behind you and bends down on one knee.*
Mason- Yn Grealish, i know we may have not to been together that long but i knew you way before. I've loved every moment i've spent with you and soon you're going to give birth to our gorgeous child, and have a family of our own. I love you so much Yn, i want to spend every day with you. So Yn Grealish, will you marry me?

Yn- Oh my god Mase? I'd love too!
*You give Mason a huge hug and a kiss on the lips.*

Mason- I love you!

Yn- I love you, Mase! I can't believe it.

Mason- Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

Yn- Good, of course!

Mason- Well soon to be Mrs Mount.

Yn- Yn Mount, it has a ring to it.

Mason- Well good job you're getting married to me.

Yn- Yes it is, does Jack know you were thinking about proposing?

Mason- Yeah, i spoke to him a few weeks ago about it. He was glad you finally found someone who makes you happy and was more than welcome to give me his blessing.

Yn- I'm glad! I can't wait for people to find out!

Mason- Same! Well we can tell my family at dinner, if you'd like?

Yn- Id love that! Then tomorrow can we visit Jack and Sasha?

Mason- Yeah, ofc.
*You and Mason talk for a while then he gets a message from his mum.*

*The messages.*

Hey Mason, Merry Christmas to you and Yn. I'm just wondering if you're both still coming down for Christmas dinner? x

Merry Christmas! And yes we are! What time do you think it'll be done for? x

About 1pm. If that's okay?

Perfect! We should get there for 12:30.

See you then.

*Back to reality.*

Yn- Everything okay?

Mason- Yeah fine, but we might need to get ready soon. Seeing as we're going to have to set off at 11:00am to my mams.

Yn- Sounds like a plan, i'll begin getting ready now.

Mason- Yeah same!

*You get changed into your mint green jumper and the pair of ripped jeans and your new converse high tops. You decided to french plait the top half of your hair and leave the rest down. You do some light makeup and a little bit of brown eyeliner.*

*Mason gets changed into a pair of black jeans and the matching mint green jumper and decided to put on
a pair of white jordans.*
(ignore how the outfit doesn't seem like it matches but it's whatever 🤷‍♀️)

Mason- You look gorgeous, yn!

Yn- And so do you, love.

Mason- I promise i didn't mean to purposely match you.
*He laughs.*

Yn- Oh well, it looks cute.

*The time is 11:00am so you and Mason head to his Mums house.*

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