Chapter 10 <3

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*With you and Sasha*

Y/N-Hiya babes?!

Sasha-Hiya hun, you ready to go shopping?!

Y/N-Ofcourse I would and maybe you could get some clothes for you baby.

Sasha-Omg that's a great idea.

Y/N-Im surprised Jack hasn't proposed yet.

Sasha-Yea same but it's fine.

*You and Sasha go shopping and have a catch up about everything, then you head back to Masons*

Mason-Hiya love, you had a good day?!

Y/N-Yea but there was one thing missing..

Mason-What was it?

Y/N-You weren't there.

*Masons pins you up against the wall in the kitchen and starts kissing you until someone interrupts you*

Declan-Hmm, do you mind taking this up to your room but keep quiet!

*You and Mason laugh then head upstairs*

Y/N-Now we can't get down to abit more business up here then.
*You wink*

Mason-Be quiet.

*He pushes you up against the bed not leaving the kiss sitting on top of you, turning you on ever more*

Y/N-Mase can I go on top?

Mason-Be a pleasure to let you!

*You get on top on Mason wiggling around giving him a boner*

Y/N-You like what I've started!
*You start unzipping Masons pants slowly and pulling them down aswell as his boxers*

Mason-Are you going to finish?

Y/N-I don't know if I wanna.

Mason-Dont wanna play that game darling, we know what happened last time
*He winks at you*

*You starting wanking Mason off and licking the end of the penıs which causes Mason to get even harder*

Y/N-You seem like your enjoying that?!
*You begin sucking Mason off and licking the tip to tease him*

Mason-Get a condom im going to cum!

Y/N-Not it's fine, do it in my mouth.
*You wink*

*Mason comes into your mouth so you swallow it*

Mason-Is it my turn now?

Y/N-Seems like it.

*Mason flips you over, pulls down your jeans and thongs then starts licking your clıt which turns you on more than ever*

Y/N-Found my sweet spot I see?!

*He starts licking even faster then decides to start using 2 fingers going in a circular motion and faster eachtime*

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