To know what's good for her

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It was around midnight when I got home from my classes, I was exausted above all things, all I wanted to do was crash and go to sleep. And that's what I did when I got home, I plopped on the couch and began to go to sleep.....that was until my phone started to ring in my pocket. 

When you can't seem to find your way home,

And when life gets too hard,

To face on your own,

I will stand as a light through your darkest unknown,

I will walk with you,

So you're never alone,

Never alone,

Never alone,

Never alone...

"Brooke?" I asked as I held my phone up to my ear, my voice was tired and just wanting sleep.

Her soft voice came over the phone with pain weaving every sentence, "Jordan? Ow...." The rest was cut off from a painful sounding grown, and then it sounded like she was starting to cry,

"Brooklynn? What's wrong?" Concern was lacing my words as I spoke them. 

"Cra...." Just from that I knew what was wrong, I've seen this from Brooke many times. Some months were worse than others though. I quickly sat up, the tiredness being left behind,

"What all do you need?" 

"Pads...." Her voice was weak and whimpering. I honestly couldn't imagine how badly cramps hurt, enough to make a girl cry. 

"I'll be right there, Brooke. Hold on," I slipped my shoes on with the phone still to my ear, listening to Brooke's poor whimpers and groans. I stood up and grabbed my keys then headed out to my car. "You'll be alright girl, just hang in there for me, okay?" 

"Okay...." She was out of breath from the pain and her voice was just a mumble. She hung up a few seconds after she answered, I drove down the road, my engine rumbling and bouncing off of the houses around me, my baby sounded sweet! 

Going down the aisles of the store, I looked for the things that I always got for her when it was her time of the month. I grabbed what she asked me for then I grabbed the extra things that I knew made her feel better. Stopping at the cash register, the man started to ring up my items. Making conversation he asked curiously, "Your girlfriend's time?" I shook my head,

"Not my girlfriend, just a friend of mine." He nodded and told me the total price. I handed him my card so he could swipe it. 

"Have a good night." 

"You too," with that, I headed back out to my car so I could take care of Brooke.

I parked beside her new Viper and got out with the bad of remedies in hand. When I got inside, only a few lights were on, everyone must be sleeping except Brooke obviously. I jogged up the stairs to her bedroom and saw it was empty. I was going to turn around until I heard her whimper from the bathroom. I could just see her feet from the door, every few seconds they would disappear; my guess that she'd pull them to her stomach. Her sobs were thick and I knew that they were really bad this time, Brooke was relatively strong when it came to pain, but when a bad month came, she just collapsed. I went over to her bathroom and knelt beside her, placing a hand on her leg, she was burning up. She struggled to look up at me, her tears had stained her cheeks pretty badly and I wondered why she waited so long to call me, "Why wait to call me?" I asked as I gently swept my thumb across her cheek.

She clutched her hand to her gut as she sobbed, "Because I didn't want to disturb you if you were busy with college...." I could tell that she was having a tough time speaking for more than a few seconds at a time without becoming just a litle bit winded. I picked her up to where she was sitting up and I brought her to my chest where I hugged her,

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