Oh because he's dead

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The longer I was around Brooke, the quicker I began to slip. Slip, like sand slipping through your hands. I was scared, the thought and the image of her when the words slipped through my lips made my heart ache. I wouldn't be able to handle the look of betrayl and hurt in her eyes, I wouldn't be able to handle the sight of tears falling from her face because of me, she was too important to me to hurt her that bad.

I was running out of time though; being able to keep her in the dark. I was becoming weaker when it came to her, I had to find a way to stall on telling her. I just had to get enough time to where I could tell her in a way that wouldn't hurt her too badly, but we just kept getting closer... Meaning that my words would only hurt her worse... Although, if I got closer, maybe she would trust me enough to know that I never meant to scare her the way I did? What could I do to make this easier on both of us?

"Mr. Hart?" My eyes snapped up from my paper to the teacher at the front of the room.

"Yes sir?"

"Would you care to answer this equation?... Or just continue to daydream and draw hearts on your paper?" I quickly looked down at my paper to make sure that I was not drawing hearts on my paper....Which I most certainly was not! I was shading in a car that I had unconscienciously sketched. I hadn't just noticed that the class was laughing at the professor's joke either. I internally groaned and looked at the equation that he had written on the board...... With little thought I came up with x=94 so that's what I said. "Very good, next time...try to keep focused." I nodded, a bit sheepishly and forced myself to 'pay attention' to the worthless words that were pouring out of his mouth, which by the way, I was not processing AT ALL.

When the bell rang, I hurried to get up and out of class. It seemed to have gotten smaller as the hour passed by and I didn't like it very much. Once I got in the hallway where the air was circulating, it was easier to breathe. I was headed towards the cafiteria, a 'tall' brunette ahead of me abruptly stopped after a few of her book slipped from her grasped and spilled onto the ground. Before I could stop myself, I slammed into her back; making her tumble to the floor. I gasped and rushed to help her up, also grabbing a few of her books in the process. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." I apologized immediately as she brushed the dust off of her clothing. She looked up at me and I was faced with beautiful green eyes, and a beautiful face over all, her features were smooth and gentle.

She shook her head with a large cheery smile and brushed my apology off, "No, you're fine. It was my fault for dropping my books," she chuckled at herself nervously before she looked down at her feet for a few light seconds.

"Oh, here are you're books..." I said as I handed them to her, she gladly took them from me,

"Thank you so much..." She trailed off as if I were supposed to fill something in, oh yeah.

"Jordan. Jordan Hart."

Her smile grew as she commented, "Oh, you're the one who was drawing hearts on his paper." Instantly I blushed...she was in my class? How embrasassing.

"Yeah....but I wasn't drawing hearts....it was a car." She grined cheekily, making dimples show at the corners of her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Ally. Ally Drew." I shook her hand and smiled as I asked,

"So....where are you headed next..." I scratched the back of my neck as if to occupy myself from my nervousness in front of her.

She smiled and let her white teeth show as she answered, her voice smooth and melodic, "Lunch..."

"Me too."

"Awesome! Want to join me?" She asked timidly, I just nodded and walked beside her as we headed towards the lunch room together. Dang, how could this happen? Me running into a pretty girl like this one? It was unreal. The whole way to the cafeteria, she told me a little bit about herself as I did the same. I found out that she was eighteen, and she had two little brothers who were still in high school. She liked the color baby blue and her favorite food was pizza.

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