The question that I wanted to ask

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All goes silent...My ears turning numb as if they had control over what they could handle. My fingers too go numb as the phone slips right through my fingers and crashes to the hard wood floor, but I hardly hear it, I hardly even notice as my mother's haunting words bounce around in my mind. My eyes were locked ahead of me, which was at Brooke, she looked at me with confusion in her orbs of blue. My mouth was parted in disbelief. Brooke began to talk, but I didn't hear what she said, I just stood shocked in the spot that I was in. She quickly came over and grabbed up my phone, pressing it to her ear, she gasped in front of me as her eyes looked back up to me. Nate who stood with confusion in his eyes kept asking what was wrong, as Brooklynn told him, his eyes slightly widened as he rushed up the stairs and out of sight. Brooke took my face into her hands and made me look down at her, my eyes began to water as I knew something was wrong. She caressed my cheek as she soothed, "'s going to he okay. You need to go to your parents though...Your Dad needs you." I bit the inside of my cheek, urging myself not to let tears run down my face.

"Come with?" I whispered softly. She nodded and pulled me down to hug her, I crumbled in her arms and squeezed her in my arms.

"Come on, we need to go, hon." I nodded and followed her upstairs where her parents were talking to Nate...probably about what just happened over the phone. "Mom and Dad, Jordan and I are going to meet his parents....if that's okay with you." Nate's eyes snapped to me, I was still not fully conscious as I stared at the ground and went through what all my mother's words could've meant...sick? Injured?............dying?

"That's long are you staying?"

"I don't know....a week?"

"Okay, I'll tell the school that you'll be gone for a week or so." Brooke nodded and took my wrist into her hand as she led me to her room so she could pack up some clothes. I just sat on the edge of her bed with my head hung low, I could only think about the words that my mother said over the phone. What did she mean by It's your father...? I ran my hand through my hair as stress passed through me. After she was done packing her bag, she sat beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder as she whispered,

"I'm sure everything is fine...please don't worry Jordan. It's going to be just fine," as she whispered, she stroked her thumb over the back of my hand before grabbing my hand softly into hers. I would most likely be nervous or anxious if I was fully conscious, but all I felt was her hand holding and caressing mine...nothing else. I was numb, clearly shocked. She stood up and kissed my cheek as she grabbed both of my hands to pull me up. She put the bag over her shoulder and we headed out to my car. She stopped me before I got in the driver's side, "Can you drive okay?" I smiled a little. I had finally come out of my shock state to where I could actually talk again.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." She nodded and let me get in.

We were going to Pennsylvania, from Montana. The ride was quiet and strained, my hands were tightened around the steering wheel. What was I going to find when I get home? Dad on his death bed? Mom standing beside him with her hands tightly wrapped around his as she cried silently?


Minutes turned to hours as I haven't stopped since we left Brooke's. I hadn't moved my eyes away from the road either, nor did I speak. I know that Brooke was worried about me, but she didn't need to, I was perfectly fine, I was just focused on getting to my dad right now. I'm not going to lie, I was scared, knowing that I may not have a dad soon. I bit my lip in hope of getting that scenario out of my head. A warm small hand covered my own, so I looked over at Brooke who had a soft and reassuring smile on her face. I returned it and gently shook her hand in my own.

I loved knowing that my best friend would always be there for me. I turned back to the road and stayed quiet. The radio was silent as well, but if Brooke wanted to listen to music she very well could as she pleased.

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