Your tattoo......Why'd you get it?

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My 20th birthday came and passed, I didn't have a party or anything, Brooke just came over for dinner...well, I wasn't cooking because as everyone would know...I burn everything that has the possibility to be cooked....heck I could probably burn water... So instead of me cooking, Brooke had offered to, and dang can that girl cook. After we ate, we just pretty much watched movies which was fine by me because I didn't really want to make a big deal about my birthday anyways. 

As time passed, we had gotten even closer...if that was possible. I wanted to ask her to date me, but I didn't want to rush into it. I mean, I know that we've been together for awhile, but I wanted to make it perfect for her, if that didn't sound cheesy at all. I had time to think about Toni's question. If I was in love with her or not, it wasn't that it was strictly his question becuase I had been thinking about it myself long before we got the tattoos, but ever since he asked me, I had been thinking about it a lot more. 

Speaking of our tattoos, they had finally healed to where they didn't hurt nearly as much as they did for the first few weeks. They had healed really good and I was proud that the tattoos weren't pesty and tough to take care of. Like extra work.

I swept Brooke's legs up into my lap and began rubbing her feet, she seemed kind of stressed I guess you could say. She had just had her exams and they were pretty rough on her. She sighed and leaned back,

"Thank you, Jordan."

"No problem," I continued to massage her feet as we watched the cooking channel, Worst Chefs of America It actually wasn't too bad of a show, "Do you think that I could qualify for that show?" I asked curiously. Brooked turned her head to look at me, 

"You wouldn't even be chosen... Sorry to break it to you, but your food is completely inedible..." I gawked at her words playfully and plastered a smile on my face to let her know that I knew that she was joking. "Yes, you qualify. Would you make it to the second round?...No..." I chuckled and turned back to stroking her feet. Anne had been screaming at one of the chefs pretty badly for the past few minutes now... The first few rounds were really funny because that's when no one knew what the difference between shallots and scalions were... I wasn't that bad.

"What exams did you even have?" I asked as I looked over at her. 


"That was always my weak spot too."

"It's the worst!" She complained. I chuckled at her and gave her a smile, sitting up straighter, I spoke, 

"Roll over." She was a bit confused as to why I said that, but she obliged anyways. I stood up and moved closer to her. I moved her shirt up to her shoulder blades so I could massage her back.

"Thank you so much for this," her voice was soft and quiet. I leaned down and kissed her cheek as a response. 


After I was done with her massage, Brooke sat up and kissed me on the cheek, smiling warmly. I pecked her lips and whispered, "What a beautiful girl..." I said, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She bit her lip and looked down for a second before looking back up into my eyes. Her eyes glowed with warmth and something else that I couldn't identify which made my heart skip a few beats, wanting to know how she felt. She leaned forward and kissed me, her hand holding my cheek. I loved this, being with Brooke, she made life simple and weightless. She made it to where I didn't have to worry about anything...except for one thing...

I interlaced our fingers together and kissed the corner of her mouth. "It's crazy," I said ever so softly, my heart felt incredibly warm, and inevitably weak towards Brooke. 

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