Debating Whether or Not To

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"Charlisle!" Brooke shouted as she jumped from beside me off the couch. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully as Twilight Scene It directed our tie-breaker. The question was The first one to guess the character to say, "You've chosen not to live without her, and that doesn't give me a choice." Wins the tie. It didn't take her two seconds to answer it...sure I've seen Twilight a few times with her, but she probably knew the movie better than her own hand. When the answer presented itself on the screen she jumped and cheered for herself. I picked up the controller and went to the main menu so we could continue the game. Brooke sat back down beside me and grinned as she moved up two spaces...she was way ahead of me... Sure I had a few spaces covered and I wasn't terrible at this game, but Brooke could nearly beat everyone that there was. I rolled the dice and smiled when it landed on six, and my play. I pressed my play on the Tv and waited for the question or clue. Aha, it was one of Alice's visions. I smirked at Brooke as she stared at the Tv. The paper was being drawn on and I couldn't really recognise the place, Brooke was having a very hard time keeping her mouth shut...Oh....

"Bella's house?" I guessed. Brooke beside me began to laugh at me like I had said something that was knee-slapping hilarious. "What?"

"It's not Bella's house! It's Jacob's!" She choked on her laughter and clutched her stomach as if began to hurt. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I handed her the dice. After rolling a six and an all play she did a silent yes! before we started the clip or whatever it was.

"What's missing?" The Tv asked as the timer began to count down from twenty. What was missing....the picture was when Edward made his grand enterance for the first time in the cafeteria. I studied the picture before noticing that his wristband was missing,

"Wristband!" Brooke screamed, I shut my mouth and raised an eyebrow at her. She smiled innocently as she sat back against the couch.

"Gosh dang it, Brooke! You're such a nerd!" I laughed a little as I rolled the dice. Trivia Card awesome... Brooke picked up a card and started to read it off to me,

"In what scene does Supermassive Black Hole play?" Are you kidding me? These cards are unnecessarily hard. Going through the scenes that played through my head, I tried to recall the song.

"At the baseball feild." Her devious grin dropped from her face as she read the answer. I chuckled, "That's right."

"Jerk..." She mumbled.

"Are you serious right now? How am I a jerk? You're winning hon."

"So...That was the hardest question and you should've gotten it wrong." I laughed and ruffled her hair, after glaring at me for what I did, she rolled the dice. All play, when the question came up after the clip, I tackled Brooke so her back was on the couch, and I covered her eyes so she couldn't see the question. We were both laughing, and she was trying to fight me off, but I just focused on getting the answer that was hidden behind the Tv. What did Mike Newton say to Bella after being hit in the head with the volleyball? Crap! What did he say? "Jordan! Let me up! I have to win!" She cried out between laughs. I looked down at her and kissed her, to distract her from the game. All the while though, I was trying to stay focused myself. What did he sa- "It's only a dream...." No! "It's only a dream..." Stop! I begged my fifteen year old's voice, but he wouldn't listen, "It's only a dream...." Every single time I was with Brooke, my stupid voice had to ruin my comfort. I was getting so close to telling her...not on purpose, it was beginning to slip... I kept urging myself to calm down as I kissed her. My hand moved from her eyes to stroke her cheek, my head began to spin as she set my world on fire, my stomach erupted with pesty butterflies that made me feel weird inside, but good at the same time. My heart beat raced in my chest; matching hers. Life slipped away and it became just the two of us, well, it all ready was, but now it's like we completely forgot about everything just wasn't important. "It's only a dream...." I ignored the voice and kissed her cheek before kissing along her jawline. "It's only a dream...." I kissed her once more before pulling back to look down at her.

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