It was an accident!

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I pulled her hand away from running through my hair to look down at it for a few seconds, my eyes then roamed up to meet hers, she was watching me with curiosity and I just sat there as he was kneeling in front of me, "What am I going to do?" I asked myself more than her.

She must've known that I wasn't necessarily asking her because she didn't answer. As I stared into her eyes, images of her timid eyes from waking up from her 'nightmare' flashed through my mind and I had to look away in order for me to not go insane. She took her other hand and turned my face gently to look at her, I didn't want to, but she did, so I looked back into her eyes like she wanted. The pools of blue that were her eyes made my insides churn and twist with guilt. How could I ever harm someone like her? Her smiled made me regret it even more because I knew if she remembered, she wouldn't find another smile in the world to show. She looked down at our hands and began to playing with my fingers, weaving them with hers then un-weaving them. When she looked back up at me, she looked so harmless and fragile. Well, because she was. She studied my eyes for what seemed like hours, and then she leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I just barely flinched away, surprised that she would do that. "It's only a dream...." I took in a deep, ragid breath and let it out through my teeth. Brooke kissed my other cheek then pulled back with a large grin on her face. She was playing. I chuckled at her as she kissed my nose then, she kissed my forehead, then my jaw, then my neck. Her playful light grin never left her face as she left tiny pecks of kisses over my face. This girl was definitely weird when she wanted to be. She kissed below my ear before trailing kisses across my cheek. "It's only a dream...."  I closed my eyes, focusing on getting the voice out of my head, they instantly snapped open though when Brooke kissed me on the lips. I put my arm around her back and pulled her closer, "It's only a dream...." Putting her back to the cousioned couch, I kissed her again, "It's only a dream...."  My hands rested on her bare waist, her T-shirt loosely blanketing over my hands, "It's only a dream....." I kissed her jaw bone then her cheek, "It's only a dream...." Her hands were around my neck, "It's only a dream...." I kissed her again, "It's only a dream...." Images, "It's only a dream...." Flashbacks, "It's only a dream...." Five years ago, "It's only a dream....." I jerked back away, looking down at her with shock, and most of all, guilt. What did I just do? Brooke was staring up at me with confusion, but had a tiny smile on her face. I moved over to where I wasn't sitting on her, running my hands through my hair, I became frustrated with myself for doing that. She sat up and came to sit beside me, 

"I don't know why I did that.....Jordan?" I slowly looked over at her, she was sat there innocently, with a confused and curious expression on her features.

"This is why we can't hang out....." I stood up to leave, but once again, was stopped by her hand,

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking...please don't go." I think I had an idea as to why she kissed me, but I wasn't completely sure. I sat down and looked at her straight in the eyes, a serious expression taking over my face as I began to explain as best as I could,

"You're growing up, Brookynn." She frowned at the name, but she had to know that this was serious, "Your hormones are mixing up and that's why you are feeling this way, did it just start or have you been feeling like this for awhile?" 

"A few weeks, I don't know why though, I don't like you like that, you're like a big brother to me, aside from Nate, maybe even more of a brother than Nate," her words weren't too big of a shock to me, I mean, Nate was an excellent brother, but he lacked a little in Brooke's life, and you can tell in her voice that she misses her old brother that played with her all the time and didn't have to go to college or had a girlfriend. 

"It's like your monthly; a sign that you're growing up, but perhaps this is the next step, for when you get a boyfriend." She raised an eyebrow at me,

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