28. Venom x neko!UMR

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Q; Y'all, do you want 30 chapters here or 40?

Au; umm... Idk...
Requested; by Skylerr123
Name: Venom
Type; fluff maybe - probably - smut.

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'3 (hahaha!! He's 7'6)

Hair; white

Eyes; green and blue

Length; 6in/7in

Ok, so I believe his dick is 20in when fully erect

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Ok, so I believe his dick is 20in when fully erect.
So basically, u and Venom are together and ur love life is never boring. This take place AFTER venom 2
Venom's POV

"I need food!" I say to Eddie.

"We have chocolate at home." He replies.

"Well, I want that guy's head." I say and look at a guy that looks homeless.

"Fine... He doesn't look like he has anyone..." Eddie says.

"After that! I need some relief! M/N's home right?"

"No. He's still on a mission." Eddie sighs. He walks to the guy and bends down. "Hey, are you ok? Do you have anyone that could have you in their house?" He asks.

"Just let me eat!!"

"No... I've been here for a few weeks now..."

"How about you come over to my place. Take a shower and eat." Eddie says. The men nods and we go to our place. The flat is actually clean bow because M/N should come back today. Sometime...

The men looks around and while he does that I change to my true form. I take hold of him from his leg and he starts yelling. Thank god we soundproofed the house. I look in his eyes and I feel no emotion other than hunger. I think it's an emotion.

Anyway, I open my mouth and take a big bite from his neck and swollow his head.

After getting rid of his body we go to the couch to wait for my love.

We met M/N 6 months ago and found out I'm he's mate. And since then we're together. M/N is the richest person I know. He's a personal assassin and he's saving money for a house. I really don't understand why he wants a big house when we have a flat that is a perfect size for us... And men can't get pregnant, so that's not it. Well, I don't care...

After about 20 minutes, M/N opens the door and steps in. "Hey Eddie, hey venom. How's it been?" He asks with his signature mom like smile.

"Very alone." I say so Eddie will voice my opinion.

"It was lonely. For both me and Venom."

"Aww, I'm sorry baby, this was a very long one..."

"Who was it?"

"This group of people that broke out of jail after killing the president. Had to take 'em out, the police failed. I also got a whole 3 months rent." He adds in the end.

"Good... Now, I've been blue balled ever since you left baby, I need to be in you." I say through Eddie.

"True form" his cat side comes out and asks. I hum and let him jump in my arms after changing to my true form. He changes into his cat in my embrace as we go to our room.


I reinsert my cock into his abused hole and begin to pound him once again. I thrust into the cum filled hole and wrap my hands around his very small cat form. My dick is creating a bump in his abdomen and it gets almost to his chest.

He tightens around me once more and cums all over the sheets and his soked fur.

"Ahh~~~!!! Venom!!" He moans my name out and throws his head back. His tongue has slipped out of his mouth and saliva spills with it a bit. His fangs are out and his eyes are rolled to the back of his head and you can see my kitty is enjoying this.

After a few additional thrusts I cum deep in him and when I pull out he's back to his first form - human with ears and tail - and he's passed out.

I get a clean cloth to not wake him up to shower and clean us up. After that I let Eddie take control of our body and go to sleep with M/N wrapped up in our arms.

I really didn't know how to do this shit. So I really went with my signature smut scene. Yeah. Well I was Jayden you we're you, I love y'all see you next time stay safe ❣️

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