Niall Imagine

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This story is for nialler_bae9. I hope you enjoy!!!! <3


I was sitting at my desk when I glanced over at the clock. "12:23" I muttered to myself and let out a long sigh.

Finals were coming up really soon and I've been staying up past midnight to prepare for it.
"I need a break." I told myself as I got up and started to make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I stopped when I heard a loud ring from my phone.

My boyfriend Niall's glowing face appeared across the screen. I picked it up and pressed accept. "Hello, Niall." I said with exhaustion in my voice, but a smile on my face.

"Hey, Macy. What's up?" His accent rang in my ears and made my stomach tingle. It was cute how my name sounded when he said it.

"I thought I told you I was studying for finals. I'm really tired." I pouted and tilted my head.

"You need a break. Come outside." Niall uttered with enthusiasm. Who sounds this happy at this time of night? I thought.

"Niall..are you outside m-" I was interrupted by a knock on my front door. "You've got to be kidding me." I let out a long sigh, hung up, and walked downstairs to the front door. I opened the door and sure enough, Niall was standing there. "Why'd you hang up?" He walked up to me with a smile and kissed my forehead. "I was thinking we could watch some movies and cuddle." His hands reached up and pinched my cheeks.

I closed the door and looked at Niall. "Did you not hear me a few minutes ago? I said I have to study for finals." I put my hands on my hips to add a little attitude.

"We haven't been hanging around each other for a good while now, Macy. I thought'd I'd come by and see you." He looked a little hurt and confused.

"That's very sweet of you, but now is just not the time. Maybe after tes-" Niall started talking in the middle of my sentence. "No, it's fine. You don't have to hang with me. In fact, you don't have to hang out with me ever again because I'm breaking up with you." My eyes widened.

"Why? I said I was busy getting ready for these tests! Why are you being so immature?" My voice was getting louder and louder by the moment.

"You never make time for us anymore. You're always so "busy" ." He made air quotes around the word "busy". "I think it's best if we just leave each other alone." He turned and opened the door. "Goodbye." He muttered before slamming the door closed.

"Don't act that way, Niall." I yelled, but it was no use. He was already gone. I slowly turned around and dragged myself up the steps with tears rolling down my face.

*2 weeks later*

Finally, all my exams were taken and I was free to go home. I pulled into my driveway, got out my car and went into the house. All I wanted to do now was eat and then take a well deserved nap. When I walked in, I expected it to be exactly like I left it. On the floor was a trail of red rose petals leading to somewhere else in the house, notes with upliftings such as "you're beautiful" and "I love you" covered the walls, and small candles lined the base of the walls.

My mind directed to the thought of who could be on the other end of this trail and why they would break into my home to do this just for me. So I followed the trail and it lead up to my bedroom.

Once I opened the door, I saw Niall standing in front of me holding a bouquet of red roses.

"I'm sorry, Macy." Those were the first words that came from him. "I realized what a jerk I was and I'm here to apologize."

I shifted back and forth on my toes and looked at him. "You did all this for me?" I asked with a slight smile. Niall nodded with a smile now visible on his face. He took a few steps closer to me. "I love you, Macy. I don't want to lose you because I was being immature. I came here hoping you could forgive me."

For a moment, I contemplated wether I should accept his apology or not, but my heart already had an answer.

"I love you too Niall." I assured him with a wide grin. Niall wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss.

"I missed you." I heard him say as I rested my head on his chest. "Now can we watch movies and cuddle?"

I giggled and nodded at him. We made our way downstairs and spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms.

Hope you liked it! <3

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