Niall Imagine

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This one is for Laura130400. I hope you like it. Happy Birthday! <3


So far, the day had been perfect. My best friend Niall had picked me up and took me to a bowling alley, then a diner for lunch. Now, we were at an ice cream parlor eating ice cream.

"Thank you so much, Niall. I had fun today." I assured him with a smile. I looked up from the table to find him staring at me.

"You're welcome, Laura. Anything for my best friend." He replied giving me a huge smile and wiping some ice cream off of my cheek.

I felt my cheeks heat up and hid my face in my arms. Niall let out a laugh. I looked up to see ice cream dripping from Niall's hand onto the table.

"Umm your ice cream is melting." I told him and picked up some napkins to give to him. When he didn't respond, I looked up to see him staring at me. I waved my hands in front of his face.

"Earth to Niall. Your ice cream is melting." I giggled. He shook his head, took the napkins and cleaned the mess up. "Oh, sorry." He muttered.

Niall had been staring at me for most of the night. I've checked plenty of times to see if something was on my face and nothing was there. I decided not to worry about it.

Soon, we finished our ice cream and left the parlor. "I call shotgun!" I yelled and ran to the car.

"You're not funny, Laura." Niall said as he got into the drivers side. I laughed knowing that there was no one to fight over the passenger seat with.

"Really? I think I'm hilarious." I say while putting my seatbelt on.

Niall glanced at me. "Yeah, you're just as humorous as Harry." The car started and we drove away laughing.

We were driving for a while before I noticed Niall was taking a route that wasn't the way to my house. "Niall where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise." He drove into a wooded area and parked the car.

"Are you about to kill me?" I asked while looking at the trees surrounding us.

"No of course not." Niall replied with a small giggle. "Here, put this on." He handed me a blindfold and got out of the car.

I put the blindfold on when Niall opened my door and led me out of the car.

"We're almost there." Niall held my hand and led me to an open area. "Okay take your blindfold off."

I did as he said and gasped when I took in the view in front of me. We were standing in front a small pond enclosed by green trees and dozens of dandelions. Niall reached out and handed me a bunch of pastel colored balloons and a birthday card. I opened the card and read it.

"Dear Laura,
We've been best friends for years. I enjoy every moment I have with you. We have had our ups and downs, but I always know at the end of the day, I can count on you. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?

Slowly, I closed the card and looked up at Niall who was already staring at me as if waiting for a response.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Laura?" A bright pink color appeared on his face.

I waited for a moment.

"Yes, of course." I replied with a huge smile. Niall embraced me in a hug and gave me a kiss.

"Best birthday ever." I whispered.


Hope you enjoyed this!
-Alexis <3

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