Niall Imagine part 2

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Here is part 2! Hope you like it and follow my IG page @ perksofliking1d :) . Enjoy!

I took some mascara and lip gloss out of my purse and reapplied some makeup. I was grateful I put some in my purse before I left. That stuff comes in handy. When I thought I looked decent enough, I left the bathroom and walked back to the theatre. On the way, I bumped into Niall. He stood there and looked away. I walked away looking at the ground. " Y/N wait." Niall grabbed my arm and turned me around. I was shocked that the words he said weren't insulting remarks. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. I debated on wether I should talk with him or not. "I don't know. Are you just going to insult me?" I spat at him. He kind of chuckled "No I mean a serious talk." "What about the movie?" "It'll only take a minute." He persuaded. I finally gave in and nodded.

He lead me to a bench and we both sat down. "So what do you want to talk about?" I was nervous for what he was about to say. "I'm sorry for being such an arse today...and all the other times." I looked him deep in the eyes. "Do you really mean that?" I asked skeptically. "Yes, I do. I really do." He took my hands in his. "Then why did you do it? Why do you act that way towards me?" I started to raise my voice not caring about the other people around us. Niall looked away. "I can't tell you." I took my hands from his, stood up, and started walking away. "It's because I like you." His voice shouted from behind me. I immediately stopped and turned around. "I like you Y/N." He started to walk towards me. "I have ever since I met you." I just stared at him as if he was crazy. "I was afraid the boys would make fun of me. I'm sorry." He looked down and I decided to do what I've always wanted to.

I stepped towards him, took his face in my hands, and kissed him. His lips were so soft. Just like I imagined. "Does this mean you like me too?" Niall smiled against my lips. I smiled with him. "Yes." We kissed one more time before heading back into the theatre hand in hand. I discovered that the movie had already started, but not hopefully to long ago. We walked up the steps toward the boys, who had weird looks on their faces. "What the hell?" Louis whispered not wanting to disturb the others in the theatre. Niall and I laughed getting hushes from an old lady. "We worked everything out and now we're together." I informed them smiling at my new boyfriend Niall. "It's about time.", Harry sighed as Niall and I sat down. Then we enjoyed the rest of the night together as a couple. That was the start of an amazing relationship.

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