Niall Imagine

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Before I stepped outside my house, I bent down to tie my shoes. It was 7:30 and I was going on my daily jog. I liked to keep my body fit since I'm always eating junk. I stepped outdoors and closed my door behind me, then jogged to the end of my driveway and started running. After about five minutes of running, I put some music on my iPod. I should have been paying attention because moments later I was laying on the ground clutching the side of my head.

"Ouch." I stood up and checked myself for scratches. Just my knee, elbow, and a terrible headache.

When I looked up, I saw a gorgeous blue eyed man standing in front of me.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a concerned face and a deep Irish accent. I nodded.

"Yeah, just a couple of scratches, no biggie." I assure the stranger. He eyed me up and down, making me a little uncomfortable.

"No biggie?" He mocked. "Those scratches don't look so good." I observed my body once more. They looked fine to me.

"Let me take you home and clean you up, yeah?" He looked at me for acceptance.

I gave him a look. "Please. If you don't, I won't be able to go through the day without thinking about it. I don't hurt a woman and leave them." His last comment made me blush.

A stranger wanted to come to my house and bandage my bruises. He seemed pretty nice so I thought it was ok.

"That would be nice, I guess. Thank you." He bent down. "Get on my back." You did as he said.

"I'm Niall by the way." I smiled. "I'm Y/N." He then took me home to clean my scratches and left with my number.

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