Harry Imagine

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"Ooh, let's get some Panda Express." I held onto Harry's arm and pulled him towards the door.

When he didn't move, I looked at him confused. "Y/N we eat here at least twice a week." He whined.

I just stared at him with a blank expression. "Your point is?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Fine we'll eat here, but I'm picking where we eat next time." He opened the door for me and I walked into the restaurant. "That's what you said last week haha." I laughed at him as he thought with a confused expression.

After we ordered our food and got our drinks, we sat down near a window.
"Why do you love this place so much?" Harry asks me.

I chewed my food before answering. "I don't know. I jus really like their food."

I shrugged and continued eating. "I swear I'm picking the place we eat next." He playfully pointed his finger at me.

He looked down to eat his food and I took the chance to fling a piece of my steak at him. Once Harry looked up to see what happened, I looked down so he wouldn't suspect me. I bit my lip to hold in my laughter.

"Y/N what was that?" Harry asked me. I looked up at him. "What was what?" I couldn't hold it in any more and I burst out laughing. It looked as if a lightbulb went off in Harry's head. "Are you asking for a food fight?" He smirked.

Soon, the air was filled with noodles and pieces of chicken. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an employee walk up to us and kicked us out.

"Let's find another Panda Expr-" I start to say. "Noooo. Let's just go home and cuddle." Harry and I then laugh all the way home.

Hope you enjoyed that! If you want a personal imagine, comment a boy(or boys) and an event/scenario. I'll make it when I have the time :)
Thank you! :*

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