Liam Imagine

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"what movie do you want to watch y/n?", Liam asked me as he came into the living room. I was at my boyfriend Liam's house and we were having a movie night.

"Surprise me", I replied with an over enthusiastic smile.

He chuckled and walked over to his tower of movies. "Ok, let's see... We're the millers?" He looked at me. I contemplated at the movie before shaking my head.

"Elf?" Liam said in a serious tone. I laughed. "It's May." I said before laughing again.

"I know, I was just suggesting." He looked through the movies a few more minutes before we settled on frozen. Liam came and sat next to me after he put the movie in. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Who's your favorite frozen character?" I asked him, trying to make small talk. He thought for a second before saying,

"I like Olaf because he reminds me of you." I looked up at him with a surprised expression and sat up.

"How?", I asked him interested on why he picked a talking snowman as my personality match. He laughed.

"Don't take it offensively, it's just're always so humorous, but when it's the time, you care and help someone when they need it."

I thought I was going to start crying, but I just gave him a big smile. "Thank you Liam. It means a lot."

He gingerly brushed a loose strand of hair out of my face. He then leaned in and kissed me. After kissing for a while, we started the movie. About 30 minutes into it, I started to drift off to sleep on Liam's shoulder. I felt him shift a little to look at me.

"I love you my little snowman." He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled before going into a deep sleep. Dreaming about Liam.

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