Liam Imagine Pt 1

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I was sitting on my bed watching pretty little liars on Netflix when my best friend Liam entered the room.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you." His voice was serious which scared me.

Liam was hardly ever serious and hearing him now got me worried. "What's the matter?" I asked pausing the episode and giving him my full attention.

He sat down on the foot of my bed and gave me a sympathetic look. "Y/B/N is cheating on you."

I laughed. "No, seriously Liam. What were you gonna tell me?" He looked at me as if I was crazy. "I just told you. I was at the store and I saw him kissing another girl."

I shook my head in denial. "Stop lying. Why are you so jealous of Y/B/N? Ever since we started dating, you've been treating him like crap. I really don't appreciate it. Also, for you to be my best friend it hurts that you can't accept that I'm happy." I scolded him.

I felt a little guilty after seeing his hurt expression, but I don't accept his jealousy towards my boyfriend. He got up without breaking his eye contact with me.

"Y/N, you're way smarter than that. How many times has he rescheduled your dates because he "had to work"? Plus can't you smell that terrible perfume when you're with him? The evidence is right in front of you and you refuse to see it."He raises his voice.

This is unbelievable. All I want is for Liam and Y/B/N to get along. I got up from my bed and stood in front of Liam.

"Why can't you be happy for me? Why? Just for once, that's all I ask. If you don't like him, I suggest you leave here and don't come back until you get your act together." I tell him while starting to cry and pointing to my door.

Liam looked hurt, but he turned around and headed for the door. When he got in the doorway, he turned back and softly said "Someday you'll realize what he's doing." With that, he was gone to leave me alone.

I got on my bed and closed my laptop. All the energy I had left was wasted on Liam. I turned my light off and cried myself to sleep.

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