Liam Imagine

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If you have any requests, comment some and I might write an imagine for it. I'll try to post more, but I hope you enjoy this! :)

Today, Liam and I were at the mall shopping.The KCA's were coming up and I needed to buy a dress. "How about we go here Y/N?" Liam offered pointing to a store called Group USA. I looked at the dresses displayed in the glass. "Sure, why not." I smiled and took Liam's hand leading him into the store. "I don't want to buy anything to attention grabbing and nothing too elegant. Just something simple and appropriate." I explain starting to look through the racks. Nothing seems to grab my attention. "Y/N this ones nice." I hear Liam say. I turn to look at him holding a short purple dress with studs on the bottom. "It's nice, but I don't really want anything with studs on it." I assure him. He nods and puts the dress back. I lean over and kiss him. "It's still a nice dress." I look at him to see a smile form on his face. "Remember I'm a guy. I'm not good at picking our dresses." I laugh before continuing to look through the racks.

After minutes and minutes of searching, I start to give up. I turn to Liam. "There's nothing I like in this store. Let's just go somewhere else." He grabs my waist and starts to lead me out of the store. On the way out, a short blue dress catches my eye. I walk away from Liam to get a closer look at it. "Liam, look at this one. This is the one." Liam walks over to me and the gorgeous dress as I look at the price. "This is nice. How much is it?" Liam asks. I respond by telling him it was within my budget. I look for my size of the dress and start to head to the dressing room. Liam is still observing the dress not noticing I walked away. "Y/N Babe, after this can we stop by the food court? I'm getting hungry." Not hearing a response, he looks up and discovers no one standing there. He looks around. "Yeah go ahead and leave me here." He scratches the back of his head feeling a little embarrassed. "Liam, how does this look?". I ask coming out of the dressing room and facing him. He turns around and his jaw drops.

"You look beautiful Y/N", he exclaims with wide eyes. I blush and look at the ground. "Thanks." I mutter. Liam walks up to me and wraps his hands around my waist, then kisses my forehead. "Anything looks great on you." Ilook up at him and smile. "Thank you... I'm gonna go and buy this. You can sit here and wait for me." He replies with a nod. I make my way back to the rooms to get out of the dress. Once I've payed for it, I make my way back to Liam. "Ready to go?" I ask with a smile. Liam stands up taking my hand and leading me out of the store. " let's go to the food court, I'm starving." Liam and I then laugh our way to the food court.

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