Zayn Imagine

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Zayn and I were on a date for our 10 month anniversary.

"So Y/N how do you like this restaurant so far? I've heard good things about it and I decided we go here." Zayn asked.

I looked up from my menu. "The restaurant itself is beautiful! I can't wait to try this's a little expensive though." I eyed the prices on the menu and heard Zayn laugh.

"Yeah, but I thought we should try it."

Finally, the waitress came and took our orders. Niall ordered steak and I ordered a plate of seafood.

When we were done with our food, Niall, of course, ordered dessert. He ordered a chocolate lava cake. It was basically a brownie with fudge in the middle and powdered sugar on top.

"Do you want some Y/N?" Zayn offered.

I eyes the dessert hungrily. Lately, I've been trying to watch my figure, but a bite wouldn't hurt.

"Sure!" I finally replied.

Zayn took his fork and took a piece off for me. He fed me he food as if I was a baby making train and plane noises. It was a nice, but weird gesture. I laughed and wiped the corners of my mouth.

"You ready to go?" Zayn asked me.

I nodded and we both put our coats on. When we got outside, I discovered it was raining. Since my coat didn't have a hood on it, Zayn took his jacket off and put it over my head.

"Zayn you don't have to do that for me." I yelled due to the volume of the rain.

"It's fine. I don't mind...and besides I want to keep you warm." He smiled at me.

I returned the smile as he leaned his head down to kiss me. It was an amazing kiss. Both of us were covered with his jacket, standing in the rain, and kissing for what seemed like forever


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