Louis Imagine

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I turned on my blinker impatiently as I turned into the parking lot of my local park. My family was in town for a reunion and I had to watch my little cousins for the day. I guess I was thinking to much and not paying attention because a few seconds later, I heard a loud thud and some gasps in the backseat. My mouth was opened wide as I got out of my car to see what the problem was. I went around the car to discover multiple shards of glass on the ground and my car scratched up. While I was staring at the scene, a man around my age walked up next to me.

"Is everything okay? I heard a loud noise." He asked me and followed my eyes to the ground.

His eyes went wide. I heard him curse under his breath. "I am so so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I broke the glass on your window. I'm really really sorry." I quickly said and looked up at the man to see him staring at me.

He was gorgeous. I blushed and looked away.

"If you want, I can pay for the damage or whatever." I then remembered my cousins and went to check on them to make sure they were okay.

When I was done, I went back over to the man. "It's fine, I shouldn't have left my door open. Plus, my door scratched up your car."

I shook my head " No, it's my fault... I should have been paying attention." He smiled at me.

"You know what? How about we discuss this over dinner?" He held is finger up signaling to wait a moment. He went to his car and got a pen and paper. He wrote something on it and handed it to me.

"That's my number. I'm Louis by the way." Louis held his hand out.

I smiled and shook it. "I'm Y/N." I put the piece of paper in my pocket and awkwardly stood there until he spoke up.

"Well, Y/N , I guess I'll see you... Tuesday?" He gave me a pleading look. I nodded. "Tuesday sounds great. What about all this glass? Should I clean it up?" I ask.

He looked down at the mess and shook his head. "I'd leave it there. I don't want you to hurt yourself." With that, he winked and waved goodbye.

I turned around and got my cousins out of my car blushing like crazy and thinking about Tuesday.

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