Short Imagines

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These are pretty short and don't have any dialogue :D



Louis- Louis had been away on tour for about 3 months now and I've been feeling so lonely. I wanted to go and surprise him at one of his concerts, but all of my work at uni and my job keep getting in the way. It feels like ages ago since he's left. I miss the sound of his voice when he woke up, the feeling of his soft hands caressing my hair, the sound of his laugh when me or one of the boys make a joke. I miss it all, but the thing I miss the most is him being here next to me. His presence. He helped me with my classes at uni, he helped me around the flat, he helped me with all of my problems. The terrible part about it is that he can't be here to comfort while I'm missing him. The ache I feel in my chest when I see something that reminds me of him. I want him here with me. Of course we call each other and skype everynight, but it's just not good enough.

Niall- Niall wasn't just the quarterback of our schools football team. He was also my boyfriend and I was proud to call him that. Not because of his position on the team, but because he was who he was. Niall Horan. Sweet, caring, humorous, and so so adorable. I, on the other hand, was at all of his games. Not only to support him, but I was a cheerleader. Most people would think of us as a couple who would bully a majority of the school and are liked by everyone, you know, the "classic" high school couple. Niall and I aren't like that. We walk to classes together, cheer each other on at football games, talk for hours, we text each other late at night, and dream about each other in our sleep. Niall and I always like to say we'll be high school sweethearts and grow old together. People look at us and make funny faces and say that we're disgusting, but they've never experienced what me and Niall are experiencing right now. True love.

Harry- You and Harry had been dating for almost 3 years now and he knew you were always insecure about yourself. You never wore revealing clothing because you were so self conscious about your body. No matter how many times Harry told you how beautiful you were, you would never believe him. It really bothered him and he hated the thought that you didn't love yourself. But he loved you and that was all that mattered.

Liam- Liam Payne. The school jock who everyone liked. Except me. He made fun of me every single day ever since he first day of high school and I didn't know why. I didn't do anything to him and I tried to be nice to everyone. On the outside, I try to stay calm, but on the inside I hate his guts. His bullying lead to my depression. I've suffered everyday for almost two years now and I'm so sick of it. Liam would push me against the lockers, purposely bump into me and make me drop my textbooks, take my food and dump it on the floor at lunch, and call me mindless, hurtful names. That's what hurt me the most. I'm still so confused to why he does these things. What confuses me the most if that I've been starting to become attracted to him. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help myself. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. The way his muscles flex when he plays sports, the way he sags his pants sometimes, his accent when he talks. And the way his neck veins pop out when he randomly tells at me for no reason. I loved it all even though he was the reason for my depression. He managed to make me smile even though he was the cause of my pain.

Zayn- Zayn and I were boyfriend and girlfriend. We've been a couple for as long as I can remember. We're not a normal couple though, we fight a lot. When I say a lot, I mean daily. 24/7. We have arguments over the smallest things and I've started to believe that he doesn't really love me. It's fine because I really don't love him either. I'm just in it for the thrill and most likely, he is too. I can't remember how it started really. The last thing I remember about it was that I was wasted as hell and I met Zayn in a club. One thing led to another and the next thing I know, I'm in a "relationship". Dumb, I know. We should just break up but for some strange reason, I don't want to. I guess I'm addicted to the pain.


The Zayn one is weird and it kind of sucks, but oh well :/

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