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You were at a yard sale with your best friend, Jake Wheeler, to see if you could find anything for his sculpture.

But you guys had no success You were about to leave when something caught your eye, a creepy looking, red-haired doll in blue overalls with the word "good guy" written in red in the middle.

"Jake," you say, attempting to catch his attention.

"Yeah?" He inquires as he removes his earbuds and walks over to you.

"Isn't this doll perfect for your sculpture?" You asked.

Jake approaches the red-haired doll and examines all of its features.

He shrugs "Yeah I could use it for another head, I mean two heads are better than one" he says as a woman in her late 50s approaches us.

She looks at the doll and nods, "Twenty bucks for that, sound fair?" The woman asks.

"Twenty dollars?" You repeated, being surprised to learn how much the crappy doll cost.

"It's got to be worth twenty bucks, right?" The woman says

You shrug, despite the fact that you thought it was a little pricey, and Jake ignores her. "Hey, where did you get this?" Jake approaches the woman and asks, still holding the doll.

"I have no idea..must've been my daughter's I guess..honestly I don't remember," she says.

Jake nods, and she starts speaking again. "Are you guys into vintage?" She continues.

"No, we're into retro," you state

"What's the difference?" The lady asks.

"About ten bucks," you say.

The woman lets out a small chuckle, and says "fair enough"

Jake hands her a ten-dollar bill and simply says, "Thank you."

You two start to leave,"Do you think your parents would let you stay for dinner?" Jake asks walking alongside you.

You shrug "Yeah probably," you say, knowing they wouldn't care, since they're working late, and won't be home until early morning, which means you'll have to make, and eat a microwave meal alone if you don't go, which you despise but it happens a lot with all the late shifts they've started taking recently.

He gives you a small smile in response to your answer, making you curious.

"Why?" You inquire, intrigued.

"My cousin is coming over for dinner, and I need you to keep me sane," he explains.

"Oh, the cousin you hate? Junior, right?" You asked because you have never met Junior, and all you know about him is that Jake dislikes him because he apparently really mean.

"Yeah...junior," he says kinda sadly while looking down.

You nod, and after a while you arrive at his house, and as he opens the door, he informs you that his father is on his way home. Jakes dad Lukas was a dick. Jake had told you about Lukas and how he drinks, and you felt sorry for Jake.

You two enter his room and you immediately begin petting Binx. You absolutely loved binx, and she loved you, probably even more than jake. As you were petting her, Jake puts on gloves, and begins struggling to remove the doll's head, which made you laugh. He then turns to look at you with an annoyed expression, making you laugh even harder.

He grabs his scalpel and was about to remove his head, when it said in a creepy child like tone, "hi I'm chucky and I'm your friend to the end hidey-ho haha."

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