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Your mother hands you a ziplock bag containing your clothes, because the ones you wore to the party are completely ruined.

You walk into the bathroom and change. You were about to open the door when you heard angry whispering from the other side. You couldn't help yourself because you were always very noisy so you listen into the conversation, pressing your ear up against the door.

It was your parents again, they probably thought you couldn't hear them, but you could because the walls aren't insulated.

"We should tell them!" Your mother yelled at your father, it was a little muffledly.

"We can't they just woke up!" He whispered yelled back.

What exactly do they need to tell me? It can't be that bad, can it? Your thoughts ran through your mind, causing you to feel dizzy.

You grab the sink to try to calm down, but it causes a pink soap bottle to fall onto the tile floor, making a loud BANG sound.

You froze when you hear your parents stop whispering and you heard footsteps approaching the bathroom door.

You hear a knock, followed by a "are you okay?" From your father you quickly start mentally cursing yourself.

You let out a sigh, "yeah, I'm good just accidentally dropped my phone" you lied.

"Oh, okay" you hear your dad say from the other side of the door.

You pause for a few seconds before opening the door and walking out, both of your parents are on their phones.

Your mother looks up from her phone. "Are you ready to go, pumpkin?" She ask sweetly.

You smile slightly at the nickname and nod your head.

As you walk through the hospital, your parents make small talk with some of their coworkers. It took about twenty five minutes just to leave the hospital.

During the car ride home, your mother wouldn't stop babbling about stupid stuff such as dry cleaning and her 'friend' Allen.

It wasn't hard to figure out from all the arguments and her so called 'errands' that your mother was having an affair with Allen.

You can't really blame her because she never really loved your father. I mean, he's a great guy and all, but she was kinda forced into it by your grandparents because they wanted her to have a 'perfect' life and they didn't really care if she was happy or not.

You lean against the car window, looking out at the moving cars beside you, trying to drown out the noise coming from inside the noisy car.

After a few moments and the car coming to a stop, you are finally home.

You open your bedroom door, relieved to be returning to your favorite place.

You walked around with your hand outstretched, lightly touching everything in your path.

You walk to the front of your bed and collapse onto it, exhaling a deep sigh.

You lay silently on the bed for a few minutes, your eyes closed, taking in everything.

Something wasn't right.

Your eyes shot open and you quickly stood up, looking down at your messed up bed. The comforter is slightly hanging off the edge, the sheets have been moved down slightly, and there is a pillow on the floor with some of your stuffed animals.

You furrowed your brows in perplexity, you never leave your bed like this, you always make your bed is made in the mornings, no matter what.

If you didn't do this who did? Your mom told you earlier that no one had been in your room since the fire.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now