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Despite the fact that another bizarre incident occurred, you decided to attend Oliver's party.

You only wanted to go because you wanted to see Junior, but you didn't like him or anything; you just wanted to see him, you lied to yourself.

You started getting ready for the party, but as you looked through your closet for a costume, you realized you didn't have one because you weren't planning on going anywhere for Halloween.

You went through your entire closet looking for something.


You sighed in disappointment as you realized it was either go without a costume or not go at all. You were debating whether or not to go when the thought of junior looking around for you and being disappointed when he finds out you didn't show up struck you.

You took a deep breath in as you grabbed your phone and exited your bedroom door, opting not to wear a costume.

You walked down the stairs as you read the time, the party had already begun, but you didn't care.

You left your house and began walking to Oliver's house, it wasn't that far away, just a little more than five minutes on foot.

You were almost there when a person who was running collided with you, causing you to fall to the ground. "ow," you mumbled.

When you looked up, your best friend Jake Wheeler was standing above you.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," he says as he extends his hand.

"It's okay, I'm fine," you say as you take his hand.

He pulls you up and smiles, scanning over your outfit "So, what are you supposed to be?" He asks as you guys start walking toward Oliver's house.

You walk alongside him. "A teenager with massive anger issues," you laugh slightly.

He laughs "what about you?" You questioned while turning your head and inspecting his attire. He was dressed in his typical emo clothes, and it was then that you noticed he had a black eye, and your smile faded.

"A Victim of-" he started but was cut off.

"Oh my God, what happened to your eye? Are you all right?" You expressed concern.

"I'm fine, its part of the costume," he mumbled.

"You sure? It looks so real" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

He nods, but you don't believe him. You can tell when he's lying, but you didn't want to pressure him into telling you, so you ignored it and you turned to face the house, you were almost at the gate.

"So what are you again? I'm sorry for interrupting" you asked curiously

He chuckled slightly "Victim of circumstances" he explained

You let out a small laugh "that's not a real costume" you said jokingly.

"Neither is yours" he argues

"True, I'm glad I'm not the only one not wearing a costume" you laughed.

He rolled his eyes, then opened his mouth, closed it, and laughed slightly.

You got to the front door and opened it, but Jake suddenly froze.

You noticed his worried face, "Are you okay?" You asked as you place one of your hands on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah, um I forgot about something, I really need to go," he says quickly as he runs inside.

What's the deal with him? You thought as you enter the house, closing the door behind you.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now