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It's been about a week since the talent show, and a lot has happened since junior and Lexy split up, Jake's father died, and Jake is now living with Junior.

You were walking into school when Oliver began to walk right beside you.

"Hey, y/n," he says.

"Oh, hey Oliver," you respond.

"Are you coming to my Halloween party?" He inquires

You haven't given much thought to Oliver's Halloween party, I mean with everything that happened to Jake, you were preoccupied with making sure he was okay. Jake did say he probably was gonna go, and if he went you went.

You shrugged "Yeah probably" you say unsure

"Great theres gonna be costumes, Coronas and candy and I'm not talking about m&ms" he adds

You giggle "oh and..." he says as he leans closer to your ear and whispers "don't look now but junior is starring"

Your cheeks flushed, and you had to fight the desire to look.

You thought he was lying as well, why would he look at you, "Is he actually?" You asked.

"He always does," Oliver says.

"No, he doesn't," you say, stunned.

You've caught him starring a couple of times, but you didn't think he does it all the time, does he?

"He does that in every class, he just stares at you the whole time, he has a huge crush on you," he insisted.

You smile "Whatever you say olive, i got to go to class" you says you he walks away

"Bye" he mumbled

Junior came up beside you as you were walking.

"Hey y/n," he says cheerfully.

"Hey junior," you respond.

"What were you and Oliver talking about?" He inquires with interest.

"Why do you wanna know, are you jealous are something?" You teased

"N-no, I'm just, curious," he lied.

You sigh, unsure whether to tell him, but you decide to anyways "he just asked if I was coming to his party," you say, ignoring what Oliver said about junior.

He nods "So, Are you?" Junior asks.

"Probably," you say as you begin to walk.
Junior begins to walk alongside you, saying, "Well, I'll look for you at the party, if you decide to go."

"All right-" you began, but were cut off by the bell ringing.

You begin to walk towards the class with junior who is still beside you, "what were you gonna say before the bell interrupted you?" He asked.

"I'll look for you as well, if I go," you say.

As you entered the classroom, he smiled and mumbled, "cool."

You sat beside Jake in your seat.

"Why did you walk in with Junior?" Jake inquires inquisitively.

"We were just talking about Oliver's party," you shrug.

Jake examines you, attempting to determine whether or not you are lying, but ends up shaking his head and ignoring it.

Ms. Fairchild began her lesson a few moments later.

The bell rings, and you're off to your next class, which was history. you walk into your classroom, and see junior already there, and walk over to sit beside him.

He turns to face you, as if he wants to say something, but shakes his head when the teacher begins the lesson, not wanting to repeat history from a few days ago.

After a while, the teacher began discussing a project and the rules. She then stated, "Your partner will be your table mate, which is the person sitting beside you," as you could hear some students groan in disappointment.

You didn't mind being partners with Junior, after all, he's extremely intelligent, and who wouldn't want to spend some extra time with him?

When the bell rang, you gathered your belongings and stuffed them into your bag, as did Junior.

Junior stopped you as you were making your way to the cafeteria after leaving the classroom. "Hey partner," he jokingly said in a southern drawl.

You laughed at his joke despite your mild embarrassment and asked him, "So when are we going to start the project?"

"You can come over to my house before the party." He offers

You responded, "Sure, I'll get off the bus with you."

He agrees by nodding his head.

After the bus had stopped, you three entered the house. The house met your expectations.
huge and opulent

When Junior attempts to enter a code into the emergency alarm system, it is incorrect. He tries again, but it remains incorrect 

"Oh, Logan changed the code," Jake says as he walks towards it. Junior moves out of the way as Jake informs him that "it's bell lap now." Jake inserts it, and it is correct.

Junior takes the mail and begins walking into the kitchen, so you follow.

Junior places his bag on the counter and says, "You can put your bag here."

You nod and place your bag next to his.

Jake opens the refrigerator. "Would you like a Popsicle?" He provided

"No, thank you," Junior hissed as he sorted through the mail.

Jake looks at you and tilts his head to see if you want one, "no, I'm fine...thanks tho," you say.

Jake nods and returns his gaze to the fridge, inspecting it once more before closing it.

"What?" Jake screamed at Junior, fed up with how junior was treating him.

Junior mumbled angrily, "nothing..."

For a while, there was silence.

"I just don't want you bringing me popsicles in my house, you know what I mean? Annie has been making them for me since I was three" junior went on

"So?" Jake inquires.

"Could you please stop trying so fucking hard?" Junior spat.

Jake's face dropped, and it enraged you. "He was just being nice," you snarled.

Junior scoffed and rolled his eyes.

You look over at Jake, who is terrified and moving slowly towards the washing machine, which makes you concerned. "Are you okay?" you ask.

There was a long pause before Jake finally said, "Call 911, right now!" He yelled as he ran around frantically looking everywhere.

"What are you doing?" Junior was perplexed.

"call 911" Jake yelled louder.

You were perplexed until you noticed Junior staring at something, so you looked in his direction and saw it...

a dead body, which you presume is that of the housekeeper Annie, who was stabbed with at least ten knives hanging out of the dishwasher

Junior quickly took his phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

The police arrived about 10 minutes later, but when Mrs. Evans saw you, she sent you home.

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