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You get your food and sit at an empty table. Jake inserts his headphones and begins listening to something.

You are nosy, so you looked to see what it was. It was Devon's podcast, honestly you weren't shocked he always listens to.

You wanted to mess with him "How come you listen to that podcast all the time?" You teased already knowing the answer, it was because Jake had a huge crush on Devon.

He took out his headphones. "I-I don't," he lies, clearly embarrassed, you gave him a look and he lets out a sigh.

"Okay, maybe I do-"  he starts, only to be interrupted by Devon.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asks sweetly, his gaze fixed on Jake.

Jake starts to stutter, "Y-yeah."

Devon takes a seat and asks, "Are you coming to the talent show?" He doesn't even noticing you, even though you're sitting right beside Jake, it was probably because he was only looking at him.

"U-uh I-" he starts but couldn't form the words.

You decided to help him out, "yeah we're going" you say as Devon takes his eyes off Jake, and looks over at you.

"Oh, you're the new kid, aren't you?" He inquired.

"Yeah, I'm y/n. You're Devon right?" You questioned.

"Yup," he simply says

You smile brightly and look over at Jake, who knows what you're about to do, so he gives you a look to warn you not to, but you don't listen. "It's good to finally meet you, I've heard SO much about you," you teased.

Devon is amused by this. He laughs and turns to face Jake, and then looks back at you "really?"

You nod, "I know your favorite horror movie, what your pet peeves are-" Jake suddenly cuts you off by slapping his hand over your mouth, making you shut up.

He lets out an awkward laugh, "They're joking, I swear- EW WHAT THE HELL!" He yells and removes his hand from your mouth because you licked his palm in an attempt to make him move his hand, which did in fact worked.

You and Devon burst out laughing at Jake's reaction. "You're so fucking nasty," he grumbled as he shook his hand, trying to dry it.

You guys calmed down after a while, "So Jake, I was thinking, it would be really cool if you could come on my podcast." Devon recommends

Jake's expression became perplexed. "what?" Jake inquired, not expecting him to say that.

"I'm doing a series about bullying and I'd like to interview you." Devon declared

"I thought you were interested in true crime?" Jake inquired, still perplexed.

"Bullying is a crime, Jake," Devon responded.

"Oh so-" you begin to say something but are cut off by Jake.

Jake looked offended "Do I strike you as the poster boy for losers?" Jake yelled

Devon's expression became glum. "Jake-" Devon sighed in an attempt to calm him down.

"No, no, I-" he stops himself, and gets up.

"Jake, please wait," you say, trying to catch his attention, but he ignores you and walks away.

You return your gaze to Devon, who is sadly looking down at his plate.

"Devon, I'm so sorry. I'm not sure what's gotten into him," You reassured him.

He only gives you a half-smile. "It's okay, I probably shouldn't have asked him in the first place."

"No, believe me, it was a good idea. I think he's just tired, maybe he'll come to his senses later," you comfort him.

he nods and you guys sit there in complete silence for a while, when suddenly you felt eyes on you again.

When you turn around, you see the Junior Wheeler staring at you once again, but this time he doesn't turn his head away.

You guys made solid eye contact for a few seconds before looking away and at Devon.

"Are you going to be in the talent show?" You ask Devon, trying to forget about junior.

"Uh yeah, I'm playing the piano," he responds.

"Oh cool, how long have you been playing?" you inquire.

"I've been playing since I was about five years old, and I remember falling in love with it right away." He informs you

You two start talking, and you quickly got along because you both enjoy true crime.

The bell soon rang, and it was time to return to class.

You walk into your next period, history, and to your surprise, junior was in your class, sitting alone at a two-person desk, picking at his desk side.

The teacher looks at you and exclaims, "You must be y/n y/l/n!"

Junior immediately lifts his head up from his desk and looks at you after hearing your name.

"Yeah," you said nervously and standing there awkwardly.

"You can sit beside junior, junior raise your hand, so y/n knows who you are," she tells him as she looks around the classroom.

Junior smirks as he raises his hand up in the air.

You walk over to his desk and take a seat next to him.

He turns his head towards you "hey y/n."

"Hey, junior," you greet him back.

"You know I must be really lucky because I get to sit next to someone as beautiful as you," he smirks.

You flushed Junior was actually flirting with you. You couldn't believe it, but didn't he have a girlfriend? You were at a loss for words.

"U-uh, you must be," you stuttered. You immediately begin mentally beating yourself up, at your stupid reply.

He laughed at your words and was about to respond when the teacher interrupted him.

"Can you guys stop flirting so I can start the lesson?" the teacher teases.

You blushed even more from embarrassment as a result of what she had said. You literally wanted to die, and when you look at junior, he is also blushing from embarrassment.

The teacher then returns to the chalkboard and begins teaching the lesson.

After school, you begin to prepare for the talent show, which is in an hour.

When you finished getting ready, you checked the time, it was four forty, and the talent show was at five o'clock, so you needed to call an Uber.

When your phone alerted you that your Uber was on its way, you went outside.

Your Uber arrived and you got in, and he began driving to your school. You decide to listen to music on the ride, so you put your earbuds in your ears and begin listening while looking out the car window.

You were soon at school, so you exited the car closing the door behind you, you also take your earbuds out of your ears, as you walked inside.

You began making your way into the auditorium, and as you walked into it, you notice Jake sitting alone, so you walk up to his row and take a seat next to him.

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