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"Y/n wake up," you hear Jake mumble as he shakes your leg.

You rub your tired eyes "what happened" you ask tiredly.

"The bitch drugged us" lexy spoke angrily.

"How long were we asleep?" Jake asks.

Lexy rubs her eyes before picking up her phone, "Um, my mom sent like a hundred texts from the hotel, she's actually worried about me," she mumbles reading her notifications completely ignoring jakes question.

"Devon's still at Charles lee rays house" Jake points out.

"Guys..." lexy whispered making you extremely worried.

"What?" You and Jake ask at the same time.

"Check your alerts" she mumbles.

You take out your phone to check your notifications. You got a million messages and missed calls from your parents, and you know you're going to be in big trouble when you get home.

You skip over them and go to the alerts. The most recent one was about an explosion, so you clicked on it and a new article appeared.

The headline read, 'Explosion on Sherwood Lane fatalities reported,' and there was a picture of the destroyed house in ruins below it.

That was Charles Lee Ray's old house where Devon was kept, and your heart dropped.

"No, no not Devon" Jake mumbles as he reads the article himself.

"Jake I am so sorry" you tell him as you pull him in a hug, he sobs quietly into your shoulder.

You walk into your front door, trying to be as quiet as possible, despite the fact that they already knew you had snuck out.

You look into your living room and see your parents sitting with worried expressions on their tired faces while two police officers question them. There was also someone else there, a woman you had never seen before who was comforting your mother.

"" You ask quietly.

"Y/n," your mother exclaimed as they both came up to you and hugged you. You wondered why they were acting as if you had been missing for  tyears.

The police officers exchanged glances before departing, they no longer serve a purpose because you're not actually missing.

Your parents pull away, and your mother pushes you away, saying angrily, "don't ever do that again, you scared me, we thought you were in that explosion or something," before pulling you into another quick hug.

"where were you?" Your father asked.

"Jakes, him and junior needed comfort, I thought I'd be back before you guys woke up, but I slept in," you lied.

"You were on lockdown!" Your dad shouts slightly.

"I know dad, but they really needed me" you continued.

He lets out a sigh before speaking, "yeah okay, I understand just don't do it again."

You nod "I won't" you promised.

You peered over your mother's shoulder at the unknown woman. "Who is she?" You inquired, pointing at her with your head.

Your mother turns around, "that's Allen," your jaw slightly dropped, and your eyes widened. Allen was a lady?

"I thought Allen was a dude," you said, stunned.

"Yeah, people often think that, but I'm not, my parents just liked the name, you can just call me Allie," Allen explained.

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