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When you wake up for the fifth time, the alarm goes off. You know you should get up for school, but the bed was so comfortable and warm.

Your mother walks in, which is unusual because she should have left for work by now. Instead of hitting snooze, you pick up your phone and turn off the alarm.

"Do you happen to know where my car keys went?" She starts scanning the area furiously.

You sit up in your bed, rubbing your drowsy eyes. "No, why would I?"

"I slept in and I'm going to be late for work, so I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Sorry mom, haven't seen them have you checked Max's bed?" You were fully awake at this point, "I think he probably found it and assumed it was one of his toys" You continued.

She nods as she rushes to leave, it obviously wasn't a good day for her.

You fall back on your bed with a groan, when she closes the door behind her.

You lay motionless on your bed, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before getting up and getting ready.

You slowly get out of bed, your eyes still a little blurry, and grab your phone to check for new notifications.

There was none, so you sigh as you place your phone back down.

You stretch and begin getting ready, putting on a comfortable outfit because you didn't feel like dressing up today.

You put on your black Converse and a jacket and walk out the door, not really wanting to eat breakfast so you'll just eat a big lunch at school.

You board the bus and smile broadly at Jake, he doesn't notice you at first, but once you sit down, his expression shifts from stressed to joyful.

You quickly notice that Chucky isn't here and wonder, "Where's Chucky?"

His expression changed when he heard those two words, "meet me at my locker before first period," he says solemnly.

You laugh, thinking it's a joke. "Why don't you tell me right now is it a top secret mission or something?" You jokingly inquire.

His expression remained unchanged, he simply rolled his eyes at your remark.

That made you feel uneasy, so you just stared ahead, waiting for the bus to arrive. It appeared to have at least five more stops, so you decided to strike up a conversation.

"It's probably been boring without me," you chuckle as you frame your face.

Jake laughs as well and begins to talk about how Lexy and him are getting along now.

You nod and smile and listen as he explains everything, knowing he's relieved to finally tell you.

Junior caught your attention in the corner of your eye as he was talking to Devon.

You turn your head to face him, smiling and waving, and you can see a bright red blush creep up his cheeks.

You return your gaze to Jake as the bus comes to a stop, finally bringing you to school.

You open your locker and put up the items you don't need right now, as you take out your Biology textbooks.

You walked over to Jake's locker, which wasn't that far away, in fact, it was quite close.

He was pulling out his Biology textbooks when you approached, "so what do you want to tell me?" You asked him smiling.

He looked around quickly to make sure no one was looking, which you thought was strange.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now