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Jake's pov

I stand at my mother's grave, my vision blurry from the tears in my eyes, and I regret it, I regret everything.

I wish it would all stop. chucky, the pain, y/n and juniors having a crush on each other, my love for Devon, and Lexy

Oh, how I wished my love for Devon was gone it was unnatural. I know I shouldn't feel this way about him it was wrong, but I can't help myself because he's just perfect. I just want to be with him, but I know he doesn't like me back.

The blaring of the ambulance sirens interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh no," I mumble under my breath, this was bad, really bad, I really done it huh, I ruined everything, what if y/n and junior really went, what if Chucky had killed them, oh god, what about Devon.

I begin sprinting to the hospital. I need to make sure they're okay.

I ran for what seemed like an eternity until I was right in front of the entrance, but I stopped and put my hands on my knees to steady my breathing because I was so out of breath it felt like my lungs were collapsing.

I walk into the hospital after successfully resuming my breathing.

Apart from the few announcements, it's quite quiet. I walk into the elevator and press the button three.

It takes me a few seconds to get to the floor. I walk out and turn around to see Oliver's parents crying.

Is Oliver dead? Why are they crying? Chucky couldn't have, he said only lexy, chucky wouldn't do that, would he? This wasn't a part of the plan.

I restart my run. I don't care if I just got done running, I need to check on them to see if they're okay.

I see a room full of injured people and doctors and nurses assisting them, I can't stand it and walk past it.

As I walk through the next door, I see Bree and Logan comforting Junior, who is lying in bed while the nurse administers more medication. As I look away, I fight back tears.

I look through another door and I'm immediately filled with relief. Devon is there, and he appears to be fine, there are no machines or anything, just the red head nurse asking if he is okay.

Devon returns my gaze. I give him a slight smile and a wave, which he returns.

I'm relieved that junior and him are safe, but where is y/n...? She had no choice but to attend the party because Junior did.

I gulp as I walk down the long dim hallway. Y/n has to be okay, they just have to. They're the only people who truly understands me, they're my best friend.

I turn around and see them, oh my god, they're hooked up to so many machines, they're unconscious, and they're wearing a kind of clear mask over her nose and mouth.

Their parents are crying and hugging each other, they are still dressed in scrubs, they were probably working when they received the horrible news.

I stand there motionless staring at them, thinking to myself, "I'm such a terrible friend, I did this, I caused all of this." A cold tear falls down my cheek as I hear my name called.

"Jake?" My thoughts are interrupted by y/ns mom calling my name, she must have noticed me staring.

She approached me, her face stained with tears, and pulled me into a hug, which I returned.

She steps back for a moment and begins wiping her tears away as y/ns dad walks up to us, his face stained with tears as well, though not as bad as y/ns mom's.

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