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You go outside with Devon and Jake.

"I'm sorry that went so wrong." Devon apologized to Jake even though it wasn't his fault.

"It's not your fault." Jake walks faster, causing you and Devon to fall behind.

"Okay, I'm not sure what Lexy's problem is-" Devon begins.

You roll your eyes "Her problem is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself," you complain.

"I can't let her get away with this," Jake says as he comes to a halt.

"You don't have to do that," Devon assures him.

"Yes, I do," Jake insists, walking back inside with you and Devon close behind.

"I'm going to show her what it's like to be hurt." Jake mumbles angrily.

Jake walks down her basement stairs, you guys close behind, but Devon grabs your shoulder just as you walk down.

"Y/n Is Jake all right? He's been acting strange lately, and since you're his best friend and all, I'm assuming you know what's up "Devon asks, concerned

You comfort him with a reassuring smile, "he's fine, he's just dealing with his grief."

But honestly you have no idea what's bothering him. You just said that to cheer Devon up. You feel like a terrible friend because you don't know what's wrong with him.

Devon nods and smiles.

You walk down the stairs and Devon is walking down behind you.

When you reach the bottom, Jake grabs Chucky and runs up the stairs, leaving you, lexy and Devon confused.

You run upstairs to chase Jake and ask him if he's all right, but he's already gone and out of sight when you made it to the top.

You sigh and walk back home.

You were about to walk over to Devon and Jake the next day at school when Devon placed his hand on Jake's shoulder.

You decide that it is best to leave them alone and not ruin their moment.

You were walking out of school after the day had ended when junior stepped in front of you.

"Hey y/n," junior says with a smile on his face.

"Oh, hey," you respond.

"Mrs. Williams said she changed our due date for the history assignment because....well, you know what happened," he explains.

"That's awesome, I was thinking and I think we should do it on women's History, but if you wanna do something else we can" you suggest while starting to walk.

Junior follows alongside you "I was actually thinking the same thing" he says while smiling at you

You smile back "So, do you want to come to my house tonight to work on it?" He asks.

"Sure, but...only if there are no more dead bodies in your kitchen," you joke.

Junior chuckles lightly, "no promises," he responds.

You laugh at his joke as he begins a new conversation.

When you arrive at Junior's house, you get out of your Uber and take a deep breath, remembering what happened the day before.

You walk up the stairs and knock on the door, it's only been about two seconds when Junior opens it, you're surprised at how quickly he opened it, it's almost as if he waited for you.

"Hey," you say to him.

"Hey! Please come in "He informs you

Junior closes the door behind you as you walk in.

Follow me," he says as he walks up the stairs, and you follow behind.

He opens the door to his room, and when you walk in, there are tons of medals, the same ones from Halloween.

"You have quite the collection" you say picking one up and examining it.

"Yeah not to brag or anything, but I'm the best cross country running at perry middle school since my father" he says smirking.

You laugh "mhm sure" you say jokingly.

He laughs "I'm telling the truth" junior says defensively.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" you teased.

He rolls his eyes and changes the subject, "Are we gonna do women's rights in the 1800s?" He asked.

"Mhm and the early 1900s" you
inform him.

He stares at you for a brief moment, and you quickly notice this.

You raise an eyebrow. "What?" you asked, confused.

He averts his gaze. "nothing, I was just thinking about how someone could be so beautiful and intelligent at the same time," he flirts.

You roll your eyes and tell him, "Stop flirting with me and start working on the project."

You finished the project after three hours and were about to leave when Junior spoke up.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asks.

"Is it okay with your parents?" You inquire curiously.

He shrugs "Yeah, they don't care," he says.

"Okay, then... Sure, I'd love to "you cheerfully respond

He smiles and mumbles, "great."

You awkwardly stand there for a few seconds, "Oh, where is your bathroom?" You asked.

"Down the hall to the left," he instructs.

"Thank you," you said as you walked out of his room.

"No problem," he says softly.

You begin walking down the hall, but you come to a halt when you notice Chucky lying on the floor.

You were curious as to why he was just lying there, so you picked him up and began walking to Jake's room.

Since Junior mentioned it earlier, you know where it is.

His door was slightly open, so you knock lightly, but there was no response, so you open the door.

You walk up to Jake's bed and place Chucky down. You notice there is hair in his face, so you move it.

Lexy appears out the window from the corner of your eye, so you turn around and begin walking towards the window.

You look out the window to see Lexy walking into the garage, you were curious as to why she was there, she was probably here to pick on Jake some more you thought.

A loud noise interrupted your thoughts. You turn around to see what cause the noise, and you see Chucky sitting inches away from you on the floor.

You get goosebumps. How did Chucky get all the way across the room? It had to be a reasonable explanation, right?

You quickly pick him up and return him to Jake's bed, where you examine him.

You thought you were going insane as you ran through all the scenarios in your head.

The most plausible was that he fell, despite the fact that it was extremely unlikely because he couldn't fall across the room.

However, you stuck with it because it was the only logical option.

You walk out of Jake's room, still a little shaken by what has just occurred.

You return to the juniors' room, completely forgetting what you went to do.

Junior looks up from his phone in his hand,"What took you so long?" Junior wonders.

"Oh, nothing just got lost," you lied.

Junior looks at you, unsure whether or not to believe you.

"Oh okay" he says quietly going back to what he was doing on his phone.

After a few minutes his mom came up and told you guys dinner was ready.

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