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You wake up to the sound of your phone's alarm clock blaring, and you quickly turn it off as you sit up. Today was your first day at Perry Middle School.

You got up and dressed, then went into your kitchen, where you were surprised to see your mother, who had probably just returned home.

"Did you just get home, Mom?" you asked

"Yeah, late shift," she simply replied.

You checked the time on your phone, knowing it was another late shift. The bus was supposed to arrive at 7:50 a.m.

"Dang, I have to go outside the bus is supposed to arrive any minute love you bye!" You rush out as you walk outside.

After a few minutes, you boarded the bus and noticed Jake sitting next to Chucky. You wondered why he had brought him, but you just brushed it off.

"Can I sit here?" You asked pointing to the seat, Jake smiles as he looks up at you when you ask.

"Of course," he responds.

You smile and take a seat next to him, and after a while you notice he's staring at the person in front of you.

They're reading a true crime graphic novel. This must be Devon. Jakes has told you everything about him because he has a huge crush on him.

you grin "is that Devon?" You clearly knew the answer before you asked.

P"Uh yeah," he said nervously.

"OoOoOo," you say, teasing Jake.

His face begins to flush. "Be quiet," he instructs.

You were going to respond to him, but when junior sat down next to Devon, he clearly became jealous, and uninterested.

You begin to stare at Junior, he truly was eye catching he was really cute, he had perfect hair, and dark brown eyes. You could literally spend hours staring at him. your thoughts were interrupted by a question, "What's your first period?" Jake questioned.

You down, and looked at your schedule "Oh, biology with Mrs. Fairchild," you replied.

"Really? Same "Jake exclaims

Just then, the busy stopped. You were at school, walking to your lockers with Jake, when this curly-haired boy approached you. "Hey Jake, awesome good guy, doll. I'm into vintage too," he said.

"Oh, he's retro," you explained simply.

Jake gives you a weird look, then at the boy. "You want to buy him?" Jake asked.

Wait what? Why was Jake selling Chucky? Wasn't he going to use him as another head for his sculpture, you wonder but you ultimately dismiss it, thinking that maybe he just didn't like the idea.

"No thanks..hey uh can I ask you a question?" He asks Jake.

"Yeah sure" Jake says kinda suspiciously.

"This is really awkward but like can you maybe, introduce me to your cousin?" He asks

Jake sighs "junior?" He asked looking disgusted

"Yeah.." the curly haired boy mumbled

Then Jake shut his locker and junior turned around, out of no where and says, "I get that a lot, I'm flattered really, but it's not my thing," as a blonde girl approached him and kissed him, making you surprised.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now