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You wake up the next morning from a nightmare, you let out a large gasp as you sit up and begin hyperventilating, you try to calm your breathing as you place your head in the palm of your hands, and memories of last night begin to flood your mind.

You begin to relax, but images of principal McVey's head rolling down the stage and her lifeless body sitting behind the curtains keep flashing through your mind.

You groan and get out of bed, drenched in cold sweat, not wanting to think about last night's unfortunate events any longer.

You decide to start getting ready for school earlier than usual in the hopes that it will distract your mind from last nights memories.

You sigh and turn to look in the mirror when you're finished, you like the outfit, but not on you.

You try to straighten the shirt, but you get irritated and start doing it more aggressively because it does not look perfect.

You run your hand through your hair, trying to calm down, and you laugh at how quickly you can become angry.

You were already ready, so you took out your phone to check the time, it read seven fifty six.

School didn't start till eight thirty but you did need to talk to junior and he's always at school early.

You took your schoolbag and walked downstairs, it was quiet now that your parents had returned to work.

You already miss the attention you got from them, you haven't felt love like that in a long time. You sigh and look around at the empty house.

Something rubs against your leg. You smile as you notice Lunar rubbing her face against your leg.

When you bend down and pet her head, she begins to purr and you giggle slightly.

You stop petting her, stand up, and walk away, closing and locking the front door behind you.

Because it was early, your bus was not going to arrive at your house any time soon, so you decided to walk.

Because your house was close to the school, it didn't take long to walk there.

There were already a lot of people in the school's front yard, and you look around to see if Junior is nearby, but he isn't. He's probably inside, you reasoned.

You walk into the large building and up to your locker, it's close to Junior, so you assumed he'd be there.

As you get closer, you notice Junior taking books from his locker.

You're now standing in front of him, he doesn't notice at first because he's too busy rummaging through his locker.

You swallow, "Hey..." you whispered quietly trying to get his attention.

He scoffs and rolls his brown eyes as he looks you up and down.

"What do you want?" he asks, a little harshly.

You look down at your shoes before returning your gaze to him. "I just wanted to apologize for last night, I was stupid and something came up and I forgot about our plans and-" you rush out before being interrupted.

"Whatever, I don't care," he says as he walks away, but you follow.

"You do, I can tell," you insist.

He comes to a halt and grunts, "Fine, I do!" He says it quite loudly.

You were taken aback by how loud he had spoken, you weren't the only one, others in the corridor had stopped talking to listen in, causing you to blush from embarrassment.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now