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It was around 6 p.m. when you and Junior walked down the stairs.

Junior's parents had to leave early to attend a meeting with Lexy's parents due to the whole thing about Lexy dressing up as Jake's dead father.

Anyway, when you arrive, you see Bree searching for her keys in her purse and Lukas waiting next to her.

Bree looks up and sees us, "we have to go now or we'll be late...the food is already on the table, go ahead and eat," she rushes out trying to find her keys and get out the door.

Bree returns to looking in her purse, "we'll be back home around 10:30" Lukas informs us calmly.

Junior nods, and Bree finally finds her keys, causing her to beam with pride.

"All right, I love you, bye," she says quickly, kissing Junior's cheek.

They leave, and you and Junior enter the dining room, where Jake is already seated and eating quietly.

Jake looks up as I take the seat across from him and junior next to me.

We eat in complete silence, not saying a single word.

We begin to eat, and after some time, you decide to break the awkward silence.

"So, are you guys going to Lexy's party?" You ask, looking up from your plate.

"Yeah I am-" junior starts but gets interrupted.

"NO!" Jake yells, causing you to jump and making Junior look at him angrily.

You turn to look at Junior with concern, and Junior does the same.

You return your gaze to Jake, who looks up at you and gulps.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you shouldn't go." As he stands up to leave, Jake mumbles nervously.

"Why?" you questioned, confused at the way he's acting.

"Because,Bree and Logan would probably be mad," he explains as he walks out of the room.

Of course, you didn't buy his excuse, he'd been acting strangely for the past few weeks, and you were determined to figure it out, even if it means not listening to him and going to lexys party.

You and Junior were in an Uber on your way to Lexy's party, of course, and the reason Jake gave you made you want to go even more.

Why is Jake behaving so strangely? Did I do something? you thought.

All you know is that ever since he got that doll, Jake has been acting strangely. Perhaps the doll looks like someone from his past, or-

"Y/n Are you all right?" Junior asks, making you step away from your thoughts.

"I was just thinking," you say quietly.

Junior nods, and you look out the window to see fancy looking houses with expensive cars. You were probably close to Lexy's house when you turned your gaze to the sky. It was still a little sunny, but you could see clouds covering the sun, indicating that it would be dark soon.

When the car comes to a stop, you step out while Junior does so, and you look at the house, it was larger than Junior's and all the others you passed by, which makes sense because her mother is the mayor.

As you and Junior walk up the stairs to the front door, you can hear people talking inside, indicating that the others have already arrived.

Junior knocks on the door, and it quickly opens, revealing Lexy on the other side.

Obsession - junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now