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Soon after, the talent show began. One by one, each participant went up to demonstrate their talent. After a while, it was Devon's turn. He began to play the piano, and he was actually quite good.

Devon exited the stage and sat in his seat, while Lexy began to walk to the center of the stage.

"That was lovely, Devon...was it intended for anyone special?" Lexy inquires speaking into the microphone.

Devon responds, "Only for you."

"I think you're lying," she laughed.

Jake finds this odd and turns to face you, asking, "What's up with her?" He whispered.

"What isn't?" You joked, making Jake giggle slightly.

"OK, I see some familiar faces in the crowd tonight," Lexy says, looking around.

"Hey mom, hey dad, hey brat," she says as a light from the stage shines on her family. Laughter erupted from the audience.

Lexy smiles, and starts looking through the crowd, "Oh, and I think I see Devon's mother," Lexy says as the light shines on Devon's mother.

"You must be so proud, Mrs. Evans," Lexy exclaims.

"Yes, I am," Devon's mother says as the audience applauds.

Lexy then looks over at you and Jake, saying, "and is that Jake Wheeler and y/n y/l/n sitting right across from you?" She asks as the audience turns around, boos and call you losers.

You and Jake both felt embarrassed very quickly. Why is Lexy so obsessed with you guys, especially Jake, you were really uncomfortable.

"Do you guys like the show?" She inquires of you.

When you looked over at Jake, you noticed that he was clearly uncomfortable as well, so you decided to assist him by simply responding for him.

You took a deep breath and immediately regretted your decision. "Um yeah," you mumble nervously.

She smiles and turns to face Jake, asking, "So, Jake, what did you think of Devon's performance?" She inquires.

So much for assisting him. "It was good," Jake replies simply.

"Just fine? Cmon Don't be shy Jake, now is the time to tell Devon, and his mother what you truly thin" lexy says teasing Jake

Jake's face turned bright red. You were about to say something but didn't have the opportunity.

"Hey! Lexy! Lexy, why don't you go pick on someone your own size?" Someone yells

Everyone became confused including you and Jake.

"Who is that?" Lexy questioned, placing her hand on her forehead and began scanning the crowd for the voice.

You noticed the voice was coming from behind you, and I'm guessing Jake did as well, because you both turned around at the same time.

You both saw Chucky and he was sitting in a seat behind you. You're so perplexed as to why Jake brought him and why he placed him behind you guys. When you look at Jake, he appears confused as well, almost as if he had no idea why he was there.

"Little help here jake" The doll calls out after noticing our staring.

You became extremely confused. Jake hasn't told you anything about what's going on.

Jake gets up and grabs the red-haired doll from his seat, they stand there for a while, and Chucky appears to be whispering something to Jake, which you thought was weird.

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