Oh wow [A/N]

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well hello there—

it's been a hot minute BAHAVAHSVBS

how's life? :D

i uh— i haven't touched wattpad in a while c l e a r l y

**coughs in this book hasn't seen the light of day since february 2020**

how's everyone doing? i honestly just wanna see if any old readers are still around here lol

so uh-

updates about me i guess since it's been a while

i'm 15 now,, and a freshman in highschool :]

i'm into a lot of other fandoms now— i'll go into detail ig if anyone wants me to dhhshdbsbs i could always write some other books :>

i go by maeve and casper, and i use any pronouns but primarily they/them

aaaaaaand i still draw. a lot. lolz. but now i'm addicted to music BAHSVABVDBD

so uhhh- yeah. i might come back? does anyone want me to come back? my mental health's been s H I T but i like talking to people online so :D

also be my friend on discord pls BSVSHAVBABS my tag is blooky#1111


until later i guess?

have an amazing day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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