(4) How they hug

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Lance likes to snake his arms around your waist/hips, locking his arms lovingly around you,,while you wrap your arms around his neck. His hugs are always genuine, showing love and how much he cares for you, therefore you enjoy them a lot.


Keith doesn't show much affection around the paladins, but when you two are alone, he's quite clingy. He wraps his arms protectively around your torso, firmly and lovingly in place as if you'd disappear if he let go. You, of course, return the favor by either wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder, or tucking your arms around him under his, keeping you two as close as possible together.


Hunk gives nice, squishy, bear hugs, usually resulting in your feet leaving the ground. His hugs aren't bone crushing, despite their description, but they're rather pleasuring, as you can practically feel his body heat. Hunk holds you close to his chest, and  you lean your head onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat, which is actually pretty calming for you, especially if you're in a state of panic. Hank's hugs are always calming, whether they're for comfort or just letting you know he'll always love you with all his heart.


When you two hug, it's usually you hugging pidge and practically crouching to her height in the process. Pidge likes to hug you from the side, around the torso since she can't comfortably reach your neck without standing on her tippy toes. you find it absolutely adorable, especially when she asks if you can lean down a bit.


When you two hug, Shiro's always very gentle. He'll always be so tender and soft with his touches, resulting in his hugs being the most comfortable thing in the world. Sometimes he'll hug you from behind, from the side, or from the front, it varies from time to time since he doesn't really have a preference. He'll usually gather your entire form in his arms, rather than just your torso though, with a firm hold in place. You'll slightly lift your arms to wrap around his hips/lower torso, interlacing your fingers where they meet in the back. His hugs are always a stress reliever.


Allura will hug you usually around the neck, while you have your arms around her form. She'll often rest the side of her head on your shoulder and just talk into your ear if any words are necessary, and the way her voice just makes your heart leap makes a smile creep onto your lips every time.

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