Dating Allura would include...

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•holding hands

•going shopping together

• quick cheek kisses throughout the day

•then one long well deserved goodnight kiss on the lips at the end of the day

•tracing her altean marks with your fingers when you cuddle

•braiding her hair

•spa days

•flirting during training and missions

•reassuring hand kisses

•especially when she gets down on herself

•pretending to be dead on April Fools Day

•ketchup and everything

•it was pretty funny

•until she started bawling her eyes out

•pranking the other paladins afterward

•painting Keith's nails black when he's asleep


•calling her "queen"

•mOtIvAtIoNaL sUpPoRt

•being able to rant to each other

•lots of squishy hugs

•burying her head in your shoulder

•dancing together

•whether it's slow dancing or just for fun, it's still one of both of  your favorite things to do together

•listening to music together, one ear bud for both of you

•she is loves BTS

•maybe even more than she loves you


•but seriously, hardcore fan here

•its hard for her to choose 1 favorite, but you always listen to songs from Love Yourself

•(a/n: I don't know many songs cuz I just recently started listening to it but ily it sm 😂)

•very frequent dates

•every opportunity there is, the two of you like to go out somewhere away from everyone

•usually some sort of place nearby you both find

•on Valentine's Day you got her a bouquet of chocolate roses

•she loved it!

A/n I'm just gonna stop right there cuz I've been working on this on and off for way too long so yeah 😅

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