Movie Headcanons (12)

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•Romance, Comedy, And Action

•Lance really likes The Kissing Booth

•You have mixed feelings about it-

•Yeah, all Marvel movies are cool but

Spiderman Movies.

•Daddy's Home (2)

•begs to watch Disney classics like Beauty and the Beast

•And dog movies.

•dog movies always have both of you holding each other and sobbing by the end.

•Horror movies are cool too. He always imagines you being the scared girlfriend in his arms, but it's always the other way around.

•You like to embarrass him about it, so you don't watch horror movies as much.



• Never gets scared of Pennywise


•whenever the protag does something stupid that's gonna get them killed you can see Keith's small smirk as you latch onto him

•always lets you lay on him or sit on his lap

movie cuddles

Friday the Thirteenth. Nuff said.

•Too emo for comedies

•once you had a twilight marathon, you kept comparing you and Keith to Bella and Edward

•he loved it, just won't admit it

•cuz he's too emo for romance movies

•(eXcEpT tWiLiGhT-) 


•doesn't really matter to him, just being with you is enough

•unless it's horror

•absolutely refuses to watch any kind of clown movie

•prefers cute movies with animals in them

•classic disney movies are his favorite

•Winnie the Pooh makes him cry

•honestly it makes you cry too

• Especially Christopher Robin

dog movies

•One of his favorite movies are 'A Dog's way Home'

•You went to see it in theaters (A/N: so did I. It made me cry. A lot.)

Cuddles are big with this guy


•..And snacks made by yours truly

🔋 Pidge🔋

• Mainly Sci-Fi movies and old 80's or 90's classics

•Her favorites are the Back to the Future series

•She also likes comedy

•Romance movies aren't really her thing, but every now and then she'll agree to watch movies like "There's Something About Mary" (A/n:  go watch that movie right now-)

•Guardians of the Galaxy 👌

•Rocket is her spirit animal

•Doesn't really like puppy movies surprisingly

•Would rather watch the world being destroyed by a time machine's failure

•Around Christmas you always have a 'classic Christmas movie marathon™' with hot chocolate, blankets, and cuddles

•It really is the most wonderful time of the year

•Especially when you have your very own gremlin

•speaking of, all the Gremlins movies are your favorites as a couple

•Like, you always watch them

•She also loves animated movies like Bolt, Coco, Toy Story, Up,Shrek, Mulan (pretty self explanatory), and Hercules


•Really likes Marvel movies

•and D.C.

•If he was a superhero, he'd be Superman

•and you'd be Wonder Woman

•Besides superhero movies, Shiro's into movies with meaning behind them and have good analogies, as cheesy as it sounds

•they make him all warm inside UwU

•always makes popcorn

•pretty much all the blankets in the house

•and lots of cuddles from spacedad


•Thinks stop-motion movies are neat

•loves the nightmare before Christmas

•all that hot topic merch


•Her #1 favorite is Matilda

•As stated before, it was love at first sight and she can't get enough of it

•"how does she get all that energy to move things like that?!"


•she also really likes stop motion like Shiro

•generally watches old movies that have some sort of magic as the topic

•she just thinks it's so fascinating

•just watching her eyes light up at the sight of the movie since so wholesome

•Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (the original) is another one of her favorites

•"the oompa loompas remind me of the Arusians"

•One of her all time favorites is Frozen

•Elsa is a Kween™

•When Elsa built her ice castle Allura's eyes literally sparkled and shined 

•Holding hands throughout the movie

•She rests her head on your shoulder if she gets tired, and usually falls asleep cutely by the end

•"i missed the ending??!?!?!"

(A/n:  this was sooo fun to do ehehe and now that I have WiFi back I'll be updating a lot more like my original schedule, so hope you liked the chapter!)

(P.s. there was an update in the last chapter if you haven't seen it already ;) ) 

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