They Hear You Singing (17)

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Ah, the amount of times I've been caught singing...


•immediately a flustered mess

•did he just hear the angels from above, calling down to him?

•no, just a dying cat.

•iM kIdDiNg CaLm DoWn

•he sneaks up behind you and when you finish he kisses the top of your head cutely, scaring the shit outta you

•"w-when did you get here..?"

•"I've been here the whole time, babe."

•*Cue lance wink*


•w o a h


w o a h

It doesn't even matter if you're a good singer or a bad singer, just..

•hes in awe.

•he feels his cheeks warm up as he hears your soft tender voice making music.

•his eyes soften, and he leans against the doorframe, smiling warmly as you finish.

•"Nice song."

•"N A N I-"


•As soon as he hears your voice, he bounds right up to you, plopping down at your side

•"Ooh! What song are we singing?"

•He gets out his ukelele and plays the melody as you sing the song

•This is a normal thing for the two of you, so you weren't really shy about it

•If you are however, words of encouragement from Hunk!

•"S-sorry my voice isn't all that good..."

•"Hunny, you have an amazing voice, I love listening to it every single second of every single day, and I'll always love everything about you just rhe same no matter what!" He ends kissing your cheek passionately

•blushing madly, you stutter out a, "th-thanks Hunk.." as you faintly touch your cheek


•imagine just peacefully minding your own business singing some Melanie Martinez in your room by yourself

•and then

•"Hey Y/n watcha doin?"


🦁 Shiro🦁

•Not the type to sing with you, but when he does catch you he'll simply sit you against his chest and hum along with your beat

•you're chill with it as long as he plays with your hair

•just yes


•she'll simply listen as she hums to herself

•she can't help but grin like an idiot when you start using the hairbrush as the microphone

•she lets out one giggle that was too loud and you suddenly freeze

•"how long have you been standing there...?"

A/n: something short before bed! Hope it's enough, i thought it was cute 🤗

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