When it's that time of the month.. (14)

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•Actually afraid of you



•will buy you anything though

•lets you yell at him all you want, he won't blame you

•feels really bad-

•wants to cuddle but is too afraid that he would get something thrown at him if he asked

•when he discovered the pain you were going through he supplied you with everything you could possibly ask for; chocolate, heating pad, you name it

•Lets you snuggle his killer whale plush


•Utterly confused

•"wait, run that by me again?"


•cuddling you as you angrily rant about everything

•thinks you look like a cute angry kitten

•provides you with everything, and gives you his hippo

•plays with your hair to distract you from your cramps

•keeps his cool as much as possible when you flip out and have mood swings

•"*sobbing* keefffff!!"

•"whats wrong?? you were perfectly fine a second ago!"



•will give you massages whenever you want

•its amazing


•started crying because he thought you were bleeding to death

•"honey, it's okay-"

•"nO iTs NoT yOuRe DyInG"

•once you finally get to explain it to him he questions everything

•this 5 year old still thought babies were delivered by storks

•gets you every comfort food possible

•wants you to be as relaxed as possible

•also cuddles UwU

•will stay with you all day just cuddling you and doing whatever you want to make you feel better

•he is so sweet someone give this man an award 👏😭

•when you go off on him he looks like a dejected puppy cuz hE THINKS HE DID SOMETHING WRONG and you end up sobbing in his arms as he just confusedly hugged you comfortingly

•he starts to wonder whether it'll all be over until one day you come out of the bathroom and you're like

the normal y/n

•almost crumbles when you tell him it happens once a month

🔋Pidge 🔋

•you two suffer together

•Netflix and Poptarts

•Netflix and Poptarts

•Netflix and Poptarts-

•binge watch anime all day with every single blanket and pillow in the house

•and that's pretty much it-


•and the best space bf award goes to...!

•he is so gentle

•Like seriously

•He gives you everything you want within reason and would do anything for you

•will stop doing whatever he's doing to give you attention

•tries to keep his patience when you get your moodswings

•warns the rest of the paladins ahead of time

•has the week you usually get it marked on the calendar

•cuddles 24/7

•tries to comfort you as much as possible when you're in pain

•he's so affectionate 😭

👑 Allura 👑

•"paladins, we've got a code red"

•all the paladins take cover

•Pidge included

•Coran is shook

•due to altean pregnancy being different from humans, Allura doesn't get periods (that's my hc abt it at least)

•"Allura it's that time of the month.."


•"I'm on my period."


•you had to explain everything to her and when she understood she was actually super casual about it

•"Oh, well I've never had one of those!"


•super understanding about it, and makes sure you have anything you can dream of cuz she's a LoViNg GiRlFrIeNd I sTaN 💞

•when you snap at her or your moodswings kick in, she goes a bit on edge and almost gets salty until Pidge stops her

•yeah you probably should've mentioned that-

A/n: i actually really liked writing this chapter it was super cute ^^ although I am running out of ideas so if you got any requests lemme know and I'll try to get to them asap (preferably SFW, but I can do slight NSFW ig 😅)

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