(5) when they're jealous

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S/N = Sister's name


When Lance gets jealous, he'll always smother you, whether there's a cute guy nearby or there's someone actually interacting with you.

For example, if you and Keith say one word to each other, Lance can't control his jealousy. He could make the cutest puppy face and it by itself would win you over.

Lance would either kiss you on the lips to pan your attention to him, or take hold of your hand and squeeze it to distract you from whatever is making him jealous. What a cutie <3


Keith never wants to admit it when he's jealous. It makes him feel.. he doesn't know how to describe it. Like he wants to just sweep you off your feet and carry you away so you're all his.

Say you ran into your ex somewhere with Keith and he caught you staring at your former lover. Nope, not a fan of that. Keith would sling his arm around your waist or shoulders to remind you your his and that your ex isn't good enough for someone as beautiful as you. He kisses you on the cheek, and your full attention and love is drawn back to your wonderful partner. This makes him happier than anything, and definitely satisfies his jealousy.


Hunk isn't the type to get jealous, but when he does get like that it really isn't too bad. He'll get nervous and start having nervous habits kick in, like fiddling with his hands.

You'll see an old friend. A guy, might I add. You've always thought he was cute, but he wasn't your type, thus leading to you only being friends. Hunk, on the other hand, sees a handsome guy and his girlfriend talking like they haven't seen each other in a thousand years. Hunk pouts secretively, glad you could see your old friend again, but feeling slightly awkward and out of place.

But totally not jealous, he claimed afterward.

As you and your friend talked, he slipped his hand into yours unnoticeably, you soon realizing what was going on. Wrapping up the conversation, you parted ways with him and continued in the other direction with Hunk, holding his hand proudly.



"Totally jealous,"

"M-maybe just a little, okay.."

You pecked him on the cheek, "what am I going to do with you?"


Pidge getting jealous. Oh my god.  It's precious.

Sometimes Pidge will have mood swings where she'll bring convinced she's not enough for you, or that her body isn't feminine enough, or that she's just a burden to you and that your relationship is out of pity.

(Me too, bro. Me too.) 

This leads to easily getting jealous. Now, when Pidge gets jealous, it's not like a demon from hell getting unleashed. She'll get very insecure, and anxiety will kick in, Like Hunk but more extremely.

For example, once you and Pidge were at a party and there you saw your sister that you haven't seen in forever. Pidge on the other hand thought you were attracted to this female and therefore flirting with her, making Pidge start to get anxious.

She watched as you to had your conversation from afar, but when you hugged Pidge felt herself tear up. Yeah, girls hugging might be normal, but Pidge didn't know that she didn't have many girl friends growing up. Thinking her theories about you and the girl were true, Pidge fled and went outside to calm herself.

In general, Pidge didn't make a huge deal out of the situation, but it still made her at least if any a little jealous. Eventually, you noticed Pidge had left the party when you were going to introduce her to your beautiful sister, resulting into you and her heading outside. There you found Pidge curled up in a ball, her face turned into the pole she was leaning against and hiding her face with her elbow resting on her knee.

"Pidge, what's wrong..?" You said wholeheartedly concerned for your girlfriend. Pidge didn't say anything, but she sniffer quietly. You were completely oblivious to what happened.

"Pidge, are you okay? I was looking for you to introduce you to (S/N), but I couldn't find you anywhere.."

Pidge snapped, "Why would you introduce me to your new girlfriend? Is that how you're gonna break up with me?" You reflexively took a small step back, due to Pidge's sudden uproar.

You were confused, and so was (S/N), "'Girlfriend'?" Pidge grunted, "yeah, I saw you talking and hugging and stuff..  Am I not good enough for you?" Your heart broke and you crouched down next to Pidge, embracing her with love, "Pidge.. You know that I love you with all my heart, right? No one will ever be good enough for me to love them, except you.." Pidge sniffed and your sister decided to speak up

"Plus, we're, like, sisters, so.." Pidge's face went red and you all started giggling, soon having a childish laughing fit.

You and Pidge held hands as you parted ways with your sister and went home. In the car, it was silent until you wanted to tease poor Pidge.

"Were you really jealous of my sister?" You smirked.

Pidge got flustered and crossed her arms, pouting, "No! No, I knew you were sisters from the start, I just.. Okay, yeah, I was jealous, hardee-har -har, I admit it," since you were at a red light, you caught Pidge off guard by cupping her face and turning it to you as you connected your lips in a well needed passionate kiss.

"I love you, Pidge," You said simply as you parted and began to drive. Pidge was fixing her glasses with a red face, "I-I love you too.."


Shiro never got jealous. Like, ever. He was perfectly confident in your relationship and almost nothing could tell him otherwise. If you were talking to someone handsome, he could handle it. He was by your side and that was all that mattered.

Even if there was a drunk dude begging you to do things you wouldn't ever do with a stranger, Shiro would be able to handle it.

Your relationship is made entirely out of love and trust, something Shiro has in you and you to him 100%.


Allura gets jealous sometimes, but it's mostly a rare opportunity since she's mostly oblivious to any contact made that would've triggered other boyfriends/girlfriends you've had.

Say you were having the grandest time with some altean girl met on a mission or something. That, my friends, can trigger Allura's jealousy switch.

When she's jealous, though, she can be a bit of a drama queen. Most often, she'll just have a wave of dominance come over her and rudely drag you away by the arm from whomever made her uncomfortable. As you're being pulled away, you'll give the confused person an apologetic look, and you turn to kiss your queen's cheek.

"Always and forever yours, princess,"

"Always and forever mine, dear,"

Ugh, I'm so sorry if some of these were out of character, I really am XD

And if some of them dragged on or were too short, I apologize, too.  I always take constructive criticism too, though, so feel free to help me out with some pointers! 

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