Telling My Parents

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The next day came as Ender sat at a café. He was on his third muffin, barely taking a sip of his tea as he waited for his parents to appear.

When Ender first entered the café, his looks attracted everyone.

He had short dyed blue hair with long bangs split in the middle. His looks were soft even though his green-brown eyes were sharp. But his plump lips and baby face softened them.

Ender's surrounding aura made it seem like he was a young master, so the people could not help their stares.

But when they saw him eating with the worst type of manners, the people looked away in disgust. Ender did not mind; he ate the way he did to get people to leave him alone.

When Ender was getting ready to start on his fourth muffin, the door to the café opened, showing an older couple.

They had the air of refined, rich people. They looked around before their eyes landed on Ender.

Walking towards Ender, they sat down. The woman picked up the menu from the table, looking through it. At the same time, the man raised his eyebrow at the number of muffins Ender consumed.

"Mother, father-" Ender started only for his mother to cut him off.

"Did you call us here to tell us you are pregnant?" His mother did not look away from the menu as she started to look at the different teas.

Ender's mouth hung open like a fish while his father had a surprised expression.

It took a second for his father to smooth his expression as he asked with a firm stare, "Is this true?"

"I-I. Yes. But mother, how could you have guessed that?" Ender felt tongue-tied as he looked at his mother.

His mother calmly set the menu down, looking at him with soft eyes. "Honey, I gave birth to seven kids. It is not hard for me to guess that you are pregnant. How far along are you?"

Ender forgot that he had six other siblings since he isolated himself. He barely went out unless it was to hang with his friends. He spent most of his time at home, writing stories.

That was why his parents never complained about his lifestyle since they had other children with successful job.

His family used to be poor, but they started to grow in wealth after the fourth child. Ender is the youngest of his siblings, and when he was born, his family was wealthy.

So, Ender did not experience the struggle like his other siblings. Since he was the youngest, his family pampered him a lot.

Ender put down the muffin he planned to eat as he answered, "I am only three weeks."

"We should go home and call the family over to tell them."

"Who is the father?"

His mother and father simultaneously spoke. His mother sounded happy to have the family all together again while his father was mad. And not mad at him, but angry with the person who knocked him up.

Ender swallowed at his father's question, feeling his appetite leaving. He already felt sweat falling down his forehead. "The man...uh, left. I do not know where he is. He disappeared out of nowhere."

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