Month Five (1)

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New Year's has come and gone as Ender's mother added Nevan to the family's group chat a few days ago.

The responses from his siblings were uncertain. They accepted Nevan into the group, but there was an underlay of tension between his siblings and Nevan.

Ender sighed. He ran his hand through his hair as he thought about it.

His siblings are not dumb. They are perceptive when they want to be. And to have their mother wanting to add Nevan into the group chat created suspicion.

Ender bets that some of his siblings guess that he lied, and Nevan is the father to his baby (well, babies).

Biting his bottom lip, Ender wondered what would happen. It has been too quiet.

The silence from the siblings reminded him of the saying: the calm before the storm.

Nevan walked into the house, making his way to the living room as he carried a bag in his hand. He saw Ender lying on the couch, unconsciously rubbing his protruding stomach while looking to be in deep thought.

He walked over, squatting down as he poked Ender's cheek. Ender broke from his thoughts, softly slapping Nevan's finger away with a frown. "Can I help you?"

Nevan internally laughed, shaking his head in an amused manner as he reached into the bag in his hand. He pulled out cookie dough ice cream, shaking it in front of Ender's face.

"Look what I have," Nevan teased.

Ender's eyes brightened as they followed the movement of the ice cream; he reached for the ice cream, "You are the best, Nevan! Do you get any fruit and whip cream that I can mix with the ice cream?"

Nevan pulled the ice cream back, causing Ender to miss in grabbing it. He had a smirk on his face, especially when Ender's excited expression turned into a pout.

"Hmm, I do, but what is the magic word?"

Ender wanted to whine. He has been craving ice cream mixed with fruit and whip cream for a few days now. And Nevan is teasing him by showing he has it but not automatically giving it to him.

"You are not only denying me food but our children too." Ender tried to reason. His eyes never left the ice cream.

Nevan's smile grew as his heart fluttered. He loved hearing the words 'our children' coming from Ender's mouth. He felt like recording those words to listen to them all the time.

"You're cute." Nevan continued to tease, keeping the ice cream out of Ender's reach.

Ender glared. He could get up and reach for it, but he was too lazy to get up. All Ender wanted to do was eat his cravings and lay down for the rest of the day.

"And deadly. I will kick you." Ender answered.

"Like you are going to move."

Ender almost threw his hands up in the air, rolling his eyes. He huffed, "Please."

Nevan laughed, leaning forward as he kissed Ender. "Good job." He jokingly praised.

Ender looked at the ice cream Rolling his eyes once more, ignoring how the kiss felt warm and soft on his lips. "Can I have it now?" He pulled puppy dog eyes.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now