Month Four (2)

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Ender looked for Nevan, only to see him sitting on the patio in the backyard. He sat down on one of the couches rather than the chairs tucked into the square table.

The couch rested on the vast door window as Nevan leaned back on it with his legs stretched out. He was strolling through his phone as Ender could not see the content through the window.

Ender shivered, even though he was not outside. It was cold while the snow had already started falling. He could not see how Nevan could sit outside with no problem, especially since the man is in pajama pants with a long sleeve shirt.

Walking away for a second, Ender came back with a thick blanket wrapped around him as he stepped outside. Nevan did not notice Ender coming out as he seemed glued to his phone.

Ender made his way over to Nevan, sitting down on his lap. Nevan finally looked at him, raising his arms so that Ender could rest his head on his shoulder. Once Ender situated himself, Nevan put his arms down and over him.

Ender could feel the heat coming off Nevan, not understanding how the man could still be hot in the cold weather.

"You shouldn't be outside," Nevan commented as he turned off his phone. He kept his arms wrapped around Ender.

"You were out here," Ender commented. He looked around the house for Nevan because he was bored and wanted some attention.

Nevan hummed, "Are you bored?"

Ender nodded his head. The wind blew by, causing Ender to shiver. He moved closer to Nevan, holding the blanket tight on himself.

Nevan tightens his hold on Ender when he sees him shivering. "Do you want to go out and eat?"

"Is it a date?" Ender jokes as he chuckled.

But Nevan's serious tone after he asked made him stop, "It could be if you want it to."

Picking his head up, Ender looked at Nevan, who stared back at him. They did not say anything, only looking at each other before Ender was the first to glance away. His cheeks were red.

Instead of saying if he wanted it to be a date or not, Ender asked instead, "What do you have in mind?"

"Whatever you want, I will take you there," Nevan responded.

"I do not know what I want. But how about we drive out and go to the first place we see."


They did not move. Ender felt comfortable in Nevan's arms, while Nevan did not want to let go of Ender. They stayed in the same position for a few more minutes, not saying anything, before they finally moved.

Nevan and Ender stayed in the same clothes. They grabbed a trench coat to cover themselves. Ender pouted when he had to leave his blanket behind. He was starting to enjoy walking around with it. Plus, it hid his growing stomach better than his sweaters.

They drove in Nevan's car. Ender rested his head on the window, not paying attention to the outside until they made it to where places began to appear.

Ender caught the first restaurant that appeared, which was a barbecue place. He pointed towards it, "We can go there."

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