Month Two (1)

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Ender entered the first week of the second month of his pregnancy. He woke up feeling nauseous as he ran to the bathroom, quickly dropping on his knees to throw up.

And like Nevan heard him, the man entered his room, walking to the bathroom. He rubbed Ender's back as the man threw up his empty stomach.

Ignoring the hand rubbing his back, Ender cursed in his head as he threw up any liquid he had in his stomach. Two minutes passed when Ender did not feel like throwing up anymore.

His body went lax as he rested next to the toilet.

Nevan stood up, grabbing a small towel as he wet it. Then, he walked back to Ender, bending down as he wiped the vomit off the man's mouth and chin.

Ender was too tired to stop Nevan as he said, "You do not need to do that. I would have done it when I got up."

Nevan took in the bags under Ender's eyes as he could hear the man's stomach growling. He shook his head, putting the towel down when he finished. "I don't mind, Ender."

"That is what you always say," Ender commented as he watched Nevan walk to the sink to wash the towel.

The man wrung out the excess water before holding it in his hand. "I am going to start breakfast. Do you need help getting up?"

Ender shook his head.

Nevan looked at him before walking away.

Sighing, Ender stood up, running his hand through his hair. He walked to the sink, pulling out his toothbrush to clean the throw-up out of his mouth.

Once he put water and toothpaste on the toothbrush, Ender looked at his reflection as he started brushing his teeth.

His blue hair looked messy as his black roots began to show. He had bags under his eyes and looked like he lost a few pounds rather than gaining any.

Last two weeks had been a rough one because even though his stomach would growl, he did not feel hungry. And his insomnia kicked in, making it hard for him to sleep.

He learned from the doctor that when it came to pregnancy, everyone experienced different things. And it seemed that Ender always ended up with the short stick.

Ender spits out the toothpaste, turning the water back on as he puts some in his mouth, only to spit it back out.

He wiped the remaining toothpaste off his mouth, turning the water off after washing his toothbrush before putting it away.

Walking out of the bathroom, Ender yawned, rubbing his eyes. He wanted to go to sleep, but when his stomach did another rumble, he changed his mind.

Please be hungry this time, baby. You are making us both suffer. Ender begged towards his stomach as he rubbed it.

Even his family was worried when they saw Ender's appearance. Ender had to make sure that they did not come over. It was already enough with Nevan here.

And speaking of Nevan, the man has been trying to get him to eat something, even if it was a small meal. Then, he would try to help him go to sleep by giving him lemon balm tea to help him sleep.

But he only gave him small amounts and only on certain days.

Nevan shows that he is a good caretaker, but Ender cannot help his silent fear.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now