Month Six (2)

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After everyone saw and read the words on the banner, the silence raged on, making it easier to hear the surrounding nature.

Everyone kept rereading the words over and over, their eyes always stopping on the 'and,' until they finally started reacting.

Liam, "Twins? I wonder if I got enough stuff? I should call my assistant to get more."

Kay, "Oh, two babies to spoil and protect? I should take over more territories to make sure they are extra protected."

Hana, "Ah! Twins! I am so happy."

George, "Two babies to hold and spoil? I am fine with that."

Yan, "Nan, you will have two cousins to play with and act as a big brother too."

Nan, "NanNan knows. Uncle En told NanNan."

Thana, "Dang, I wish I knew this beforehand so that I could buy more gifts."

Fe, "I had a feeling. Your stomach is more significant than someone having one child."

Kori, "Hmm, it would take more than this to surprise me."

Tia, "Awe, twins! I hope they are identical."

The father sighed, "I wish I knew before everyone else."

Once everyone finished having their say, Ender's mother cleared her throat, causing everyone to quiet down again. "Now that the surprise is out the way let's get the baby shower started."

Ender's father walked towards the grill that had already started and began to put the meat on it. Everyone moved to either sitting at the tables on the patio or the chairs surrounding the pool.

Ender grabbed Nevan's hand, pulling them towards their friend. "So," Ender started once he was next to Fe and Tia. Kori was currently sitting, a few feet from them, with Yan and Nan.

"Well, I feel like I should not be surprised that you are a part of the famous Long family, but I am. People can have the same last name and not be related, so it barely passed my mind." Tia answered.

"I had a feeling, even though we never talked about our family. But, I decided not to look much into it because your privacy is your privacy." Fe responded.

"Thanks. If you two want some favor with my elder brother, I don't mind helping you."

Fe and Tia shook their heads. "We rather do it on our own. But I got to hand it to Kori for catching the beautiful flower, Yan. Have you heard the stories of your brother? So many people want him at the school he works at." Tia spoke.

Ender shook his head at them before seeing Kay coming his way. He left Fe and Tia to their conversation, keeping hold of Nevan's hand as he met his elder sister halfway.

Kay softly smiled at him before looking at Nevan with a straight face, "You better treat my nephew and niece right, or you will end up missing."

Ender choked on his spit, "Kay."

Nevan did not mind the threat as he responded, "I promise I will."

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now