Month Eight (1)

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Ender took out his phone, pulling up his shirt as he started recording the babies kicking. His stomach would stretch out when they would kick him hard. He started getting used to the pain, even though it still hurt.

Nevan walked into the room with only pajama pants on and messy hair. Ender would have enjoyed the show because Nevan is sexy with a gifted body by the gods. But the babies kicking took his attention.

Opening the second bottom drawer, pulling out a shirt, Nevan glanced at Ender recording his stomach. "What are you doing?" He asked, putting the top on.

"I am catching the twins kicking the shit out of me and showing it to mom," Ender answered.

Another kick happened after he spoke, showing an imprint of a foot with his skin stretching. "See?"

Nevan got on the bed, sitting down, as he touched the spot where one of the babies kicked. Once he did, Ender's skin stretched again as the imprint looked similar to a hand.

"Aw, one of the babies felt you touching. Now, if only they would stop hurting me." Ender spoke with a sigh.

After Ender's words, the babies began to calm down. Ender pulled his phone back up, playing the video he took. The volume on his phone was low, so the soft sounds of Ender and Nevan talking filled the room.

Nevan kept rubbing his stomach, "Do you want to take baby bump photos?"

Ender frowned at Nevan's words. He did not have any problem with people taking baby bump photos. Most of the ones he saw were cute. But, Ender did not want to do that.

"No, but we can have baby photos when the twins are born."

Nevan let it go. "Okay."

Before Nevan could continue, Ender leaned over with a frown on his face as he grabbed his stomach. He felt uncomfortable, like he was having cramps.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Nevan asked, putting his hand over Ender's hand.

Ender nodded, even though the uncomfortable feeling was still there. "I think this is what the doctor meant when he talked about Braxton Hicks contractions."

"Do you want to get up and walk, or should I get some water?" Nevan asked, pulling his hand away as he already started moving off the bed.

"Water," Ender spoke as he waited for the uncomfortable feeling to pass.

Nevan left the room to grab some water.

After a few more seconds, the feeling started to go away. Ender leaned back on the headboard, sighing. And here is another reason why I am ready for these babies to come already.

Nevan reentered the room with a glass of water in his hand. He handed it to Ender. Ender grabbed it, drinking some water, but not all of it because it would only make him go to the bathroom.

He set the glass of water on the nightstand, "Did you talk with mom about having the others help you pack?"

Nevan nodded, "I did. Kay said she could get her minions to do all the work. I don't need to pack everything. I only need my stuff since I want to give the home to my little sister."

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now