Month Four (1)

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When they arrived at the house, Ender walked in, quickly going on the couch as he lay down. It was still early in the morning, but he was tired.

Nevan walked in, closing the door behind him as he entered the living room. He grabbed Ender's bag. "I am going to bring the bags to the rooms."

Ender nodded in response as he held onto the stuffed giraffe that his brother bought him. He closed his eyes, resting them. Ender did not sleep due to still having to talk to Nevan.

He decided to heed his mother's words and talk with Nevan about the babies. He did not feel like he was a harsh person (but Ender did feel guilty) by lying and not telling Nevan that he is the father. But, after listening to his mother, he felt like he was.

However, Ender could not help his anxiety reaching high levels. Holding onto the stuffed animal kept him from freaking out and possibly passing out on the spot.

He did not know if this conversation would take a terrible turn. Ender could hope that everything will go well.

Nevan came back in, sitting on the same couch as Ender, putting the man's legs in his lap. "Are you tired?"

"Yeah," Ender answered, opening his eyes as he looked at Nevan. The man had no expression on his face.

"You should sleep first. We can talk later." Nevan quickly responded. He feared that Ender was going to ask him to leave for good.

Ender shook his head, "No. We need to talk now because if not, then I will try ways never to try again."

Nevan sighed, hating the dread that filled him.

Squeezing the stuffed giraffe harder, Ender wondered how he should start the conversation. Should he go slow or tear the bandage off in one go?

"Nevan, I haven't been truthful with you, and I know it was wrong of me, but I was scared of losing you. I am still afraid of losing you. Don't tell the others I said this, but you have been more important to me than everyone else except my family since day one.

"So, please understand that I went with this decision to keep you on my side," Ender explained but still not getting to the point.

Nevan felt his heart beating as he softly touched Ender's legs on him, "You are dragging your explanations again, En." He felt the need to joke so that the tense atmosphere could lessen.

Ender chuckled, knowing that he was. He finally decided to get to the point, "I know that you know that you are the father to my babies."

Nevan sucked in his breath, "I do. I figured it out. But I was not going to say anything because you already put it out there that the father disappeared. I thought you didn't remember about that night, or you didn't want me to be the father."

"I never wanted to get pregnant. Shit, I never wanted to be one of the males that could get pregnant. But I would rather get pregnant by you than anyone else."

Nevan's eyes softened as he looked at Ender. Both their eyes met as they stared at each other. "Do you want me to stay?" Nevan asked.

"Do you want to stay?" Ender threw the question back at Nevan.

"More than anything. I want to raise our children with you. Plus, I would be dumb not to, especially after intertwining myself with your family."

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now