Month Five (2)

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After they dropped off Ender's mother, they started driving home. It was silent for a while when Ender began speaking. "Yan wants us to take care of a little boy for a couple of hours."

"A little boy?" Nevan wondered, "Is he taking care of a friend's child or something?"

Ender shrugged, "I don't know, we will see soon. We will be arriving home at the same time Yan comes over."

"Okay." Silence filled the air for a few more seconds before Nevan said, "Do you want to go on a date after the childbirth class?"

Ender looked at Nevan with a smile before shaking his head, "Are you trying to make sure I go to the class?"

"I could be." Nevan shrugged.

Laughing, Ender rested his head on the car window, "How cute. If you give me some kisses later on as payment, I will consider it."

Nevan couldn't hide the smirk appearing on his face as his hand tightened around the wheel, "I will give you plenty of kisses all over."

Blushing, Ender covered his face, "Shut up."

They did not speak for the rest of the ride. When Nevan and Ender reached the house, Yan stood by the door with a child in his arms.

The child had on a bear onesie with the hood on his head, making it hard to see their face.

Once they parked, Ender quickly got out of the car, holding onto his stomach as he fast-walked to his brother. As he grew near, he could hear his brother and the child's conversation.

"NanNan wants to stay with daddy. NanNan pwomises to be quiet and good." The child begged, tightening his arms wrapped around his dad's neck.

Daddy? Ender thought.

"Nan, don't worry. I promise I am coming back. I just have to do something real quick. Furthermore, I am not leaving you." Yan responded, kissing Nan's cheek.

Nan's lips trembled as his eyes began to water. But he held back from crying as he nodded his head. Nan still feared that his dad was leaving and never returning.

Ender stood next to them, giving his brother questioning eyes. Yan looked at him before glancing at Nevan, who started coming closer.

"So, daddy?" Ender questioned.

Yan looked away, "Can we go inside?"

He put the earphones in Nan's ears, handing him his phone as he put it towards kids' music. "Look through these and choose a song you want while we speak."

Nan nodded his head before picking a song.

Ender and Nevan sat together on the other couch as Ender stared at the little boy's face. He could see that the boy looked exactly like Yan minus his eyes and hair color.

Tapping his chin, Ender waited until it looked like the boy had music going in his ears before saying, "Do you have something to say because I have a lot of questions, Yan."

Yan bit his lip, not looking at his brother as he felt guilty. He does not like disappointing his family. But he knew any of them finding out about the secret he held for years would cause problems, especially with his mother, who always wanted grandkids.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now