Welcome Home

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Ender has been at the hospital for four days, recovering. And today, he is finally getting released with his babies.

The twins also had to stay at the hospital as they were too small, even losing a bit of weight. So, the doctor kept them behind to make sure they were at a good enough weight.

During that time, Nevan practically stayed at the hospital with Ender, helping him feed and take care of the twins when the doctors allowed them.

His family and friends would visit, more so his mother, and stay awhile before leaving. Ender and Nevan did not let anyone hold the babies, except Ender's mother, yet.

They wanted to wait until the twins were a month old before allowing the others to hold them.

Ender felt that too many hands touching the newborns would be too much for the babies.

At the moment, Ender finished dressing as he fixed up the bed. Nevan sat on the chair near the bed, bouncing his legs as he held both the newborns in his arms.

The twins were silent, currently sleeping, as they all prepared to leave.

Ender moved away from the bed, looking around the room, making sure he had everything before grabbing his tote bag with most of the babies' things inside.

Putting the strap over his shoulder, Ender asked Nevan, "Do you already have the car seats set up?" His voice was low as he did not want to disturb the twins.

Nevan nodded, "Yeah. Are you ready?"

Taking one last sweep, Ender hummed. Even if he did leave something behind, he could always come back to get it. No one is allowed to use this room except for Ender's family.

Nevan stood up, being careful with the newborns in his arms. Ender walked over, grabbing Emil from him. Emil made a noise from being moved, but he did not wake up.

They left the room, walking to the front desk to sign out.

As they walked, Nevan made sure he secured the blanket on Vera before answering, "Same," he pulled Vera's beanie down some more, "I believe I got six hours, total, of sleep these past four days."

The babies slept for a long time, but Nevan and Ender had to wake them at certain times to feed them their bottles. The newborns flipped their schedules of night and day.

Ender mourned his sleep because he is the type of person who wants to sleep all day, every day.

They did not continue talking, too tired to, as they made their way to the car. Ender carefully took Vera from Nevan. He made sure he had a safe and good grip on both his babies.

Once Nevan's hands were free, he pulled out the car keys, unlocking the doors. He opened the back seat wide, checking if he secured the car seats before putting in the twins.

It is going to be a long ride home.

When he felt they were safe enough, Nevan grabbed Vera first, putting her in. Ender walked to the other side with Emil, slowly opening the door wide.

He put Emil in the car seat, buckling the baby up while ensuring he was securely in with no problems.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now