Month Three (2)

961 32 1

Ender pouted, "I'm not going to be clingy."

"I don't mind." Nevan quickly said.

His mother softly slapped Nevan's arm, "I like you. You can come over whenever you want to. It can be with or without my son; I don't mind."

"Mom, you sound like you are picking up Nevan," Ender commented.

"Nonsense. I just don't mind having more children."

More children, who! Stop making it seem like he is your son-in-law! Ender complained to his mother in his head.

And Nevan, being the gentleman he is, only smiled brightly at his mother. "I would love to visit again. You are a lovely woman to speak to."

His mother giggled. Freaking giggled! "No need to flatter me, Nevan. I already like you."

Ender sat back down in a huff, picking his peanut butter up as he ate it to deal with his problems. He came here to see his mother, and now he feels like a third wheel to her and Nevan.

Ender laid on the couch, hugging a stuffed animal of a grey wolf. Nevan bought it for him a few days ago, and Ender could not stop himself from carrying it everywhere.

He looked at Nevan, sitting on the couch with his laptop and headphones on.

Ender has been trying to catch his attention for the last few minutes. "Nevan," he called. But the man could not hear him with his earphones on.

Sighing, Ender looked at the ceiling. Maybe he should see his other friends. It has been a while. And since it was November, people will end up busy when thanksgiving week starts. His mother always had the family stay at the family home for two weeks, so he barely hung out with his friends during November.

Also, Ender wanted some attention.

The grey wolf was not enough to get rid of his clingy feeling. His mother jinxed it; he knows she did. Looking back over at Nevan, Ender bit his lip, standing up.

He walked over to Nevan, standing by the man, causing Nevan to look up at him. He pulled his headphones down, giving Ender a questioning look.

Ender held the grey wolf towards his lips, unconsciously looking adorable. "I want some attention." He muttered. His voice was low as he felt embarrassed for saying those words.

Nevan swallowed, taking in how cute Ender looked. He closed his laptop, leaning back into the couch. He opens his arms, "Come here."

Ender sat down, sideways, in Nevan's lap. His feet touched the couch's pillows as he moved them under it. Nevan wrapped his arms around Ender's waist, being careful about his stomach as he pulled the man closer.

Ender shyly rested his head on Nevan. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your time." He whispered. After getting his attention, he felt guilty and nervous.

Humming, Nevan took in Ender's scent. "I wouldn't be here if I had a problem with everything you did. If you want something, come to me, I don't mind doing it."

Ender kept a tight grip on his grey wolf, silently enjoying Nevan's warmth. He was quiet for a second longer before asking, "How do you feel about staying at my family's home for two weeks? You don't have to come if you don't want to."

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